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41 Meloragift 4520: Back in Riverfall

Arkomir writes...  

Back in Riverfall

  In the morning, we say our goodbyes to the folk in Whisperfield and get on our way to Riverfall. We make good time and we cover the distance well. We stop for lunch near a clearing and a small stream. As we are stopped we detect a fiend who quizes us about Goblins. We show him the way to more goblins and wish him luck in his hunting. Moving on we get to Riverfall by late afternoon.   We make our way to the Mossy Boulder Tavern & stable our horses. We have a quick chat with some of Dharra's relatives outside before heading in to see her mother and father. Inside, she gets chastised a bit but is soon warmly greeted. We get a table and settle in for some story telling. We tell our tale (maybe toning down the danger a little) and everyone is quite impressed. During the course of the story, Dharra asks her parents about the dragon scale. It comes from her mothers side and to find out more she will need to speak to the Oreheart branch of the family. They should be at KasDevna, a region of the Earthspine, somewhat southwest of here. We have some food and Dharra plays for the crowd.   After dinner I head outside to have a look around. A figure, wearing a hooded travelling cloak, walks into town as I am out here. He walks over to the tavern. He appears to be elven (or half-elven) and he looks over to me and to the tree. He then heads into the tavern, gets a room key and heads upstairs.   Dharra and I have a chat about the sigils and when we have seen them. It occurs to us that we have not really investigated the branding iron properly, so we head upstairs to do just that. We take the brand out and place it on a table. Dharra casts detect magic and it is indeed magical. We also sense three Fey creatures in the room next door, one small, one tiny and one who is also goblin. This is the room for the guy I saw outside. I wander next door and invite the ‘guy’ downstairs for a drink. A hooded maybe half-elven guy answers the door. I invite him downstairs for a drink but he says he has something in his room and invites me in for a drink. Dharra and I enter this guys room. (He appears to have ensorcelled me)   We sit down and he offers us a drink. At this point this guys summons a halberd and the fight is on. The guy transforms into a Hobgoblin like form with a T sigil scarified on his chest. He also seems to be quite rotted and his pupils are a t shape as well. He hits me and says he will
take IT back
After a scuffle with this lot - the hobgoblin goes invisible and leaves our area. We investigate the two we managed to kill. The small creature does not have the symbol but the tiny one has it on its belly. Skotgrida comes up to help us out investigating these creatures. We move downstairs and Dharra casts tiny hut for us to sleep in for the night. At the bottom of the stairs, we meet Dharra’s mum and try to explain what is going on. We help Skotgrida with the bodies and then I use divine sense once more to verify the area. We settle back in the tavern downstairs and have a long rest. Skotgrida takes the first watch.   During the night I have a strange dream. Again, a voice speaks to me but I try and answer back, calling on Corellon as I do so. It says it will take it back and calls me unworthy. I wake and relay the dream the Dharra straight away. The voice I am hearing is definitely not Corellon. After some more discussion with Dharra, we decide to keep investigating inside the dreams but will also ask around more once we get to Confluence.


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