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An Old Acquaintance Returns

Metaphysical / Paranormal event

2/2 22:00

A cry rings out and it seems Finore, the stable hand of The Lively Grotto has been stabbed. He lies near death and was discovered by one of the barmaids. He claims he was stabbed by Arkomir Phinan who said something about the park as he did so. Fastolm Rumblefoot is furious. The LightBringers claim innocence and intend to head to the park to deal with whoever this was. They are sufficiently convincing and Fastolm allows them to leave saying he will follow shortly.

They arrive at the park and are attacked as they approach, by Red Caps and some other type of creature they had seen before outside Oxenhalt.

With some help of Fastolm who arrives a little after they defeat those beings and engage with an undead and fey Hobgoblin entity they last saw attack them in Riverfall. It claims to want something back from Arkomir. It is still marked with the T sigil, but it is dormant.

They defeat it and, with some help from Fastolm and the Park ranger, burn the body. Then return to the Inn.

Later that night Arkomir has a dream that is similar to the scene of them burning the body, but something enormous challenges him from the shadows of the trees. Arkomir denies their influence and challenges them.

"Very well"
, it says,
"the others will have to do"
. Something just changed.

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