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Sits on the seven or eight o'clock position on The Rim against the last vestiges of the Worldspine Mountains. It is stony and dusty and largely exists within a hollow between rising rock walls. Paths from the village lead up onto the rocks where different smaller areas are quarried for different types of stone. There are many small hardy ponies in the village that pull sleds of stone behind them. Some are celebrated for their demeanor and hard work.

Population is largely evenly split between Dwarven and Human. At least one Tiefling. Some gnomes as well. Some fresh produce is grown outside of town, but a lot is brought in from other parts of The Rim.

Largely stone cutting and quarrying town. The produce bluestone, granite and marble as of recent years. The marble brings in quite a bit of money (relatively), but the other two keep things turning over.

Before the marble was first discovered a colony of Kobolds was discovered living in the area and had to be driven off in a series of pitched battles underground before more exploration could be safely done.


The vast majority of the population is either Dwarf or Human. A strong contingent of Gnomes makes up much of the remainder. A smattering of Halflings and a Half-Elf or two are the remainder. There is also a notable Tiefling.

Industry & Trade

Quarrying of Bluestone, Granite and Marble is the primary industry of the town. Shapign and carving of stone are also major businesses in the area.

Points of interest

Cutter's Respite


InnKeeper Mhyresha, a dark red Tiefling. The inn itself sits on an outthrust bit of rock between two older quarrying areas. Periodically buys Boulderfoot Ale from Skotgrida and Dalmus (Dharra's aunt


Hearthguard Home


Home of Armgrim and Thadrom Hearthguard.

Sits on the side of the town (left side coming in) which is made of stone, but largely mined back into the rock. Front rooms are old. A front storage room has the names carved of all the dwarves that have lived there. Otherwise a store room. The kitchen is opposite. At the very rear is Thadrom's bedroom. The whole house is quite spartan and lit by lantern taken from room to room or not at all. There is a table and chairs for eating or tea in the front room.

When Dharra visited she was told that the house was built by Thadrom's parents. She was taken to see a back room, the first one carved. Under the dust on the wall, A list of names carved into the stone, with Armgrim's being the last.

Alternative Name(s)
Stone Shadow
Location under
Owning Organization


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