
All Trait and damage rolls in Savage Worlds are open-ended. That means that when you roll the highest number possible on a die (a 6 on a d6, an 8 on a d8, and so on), you get to roll that die again and add it to the total.   This is called an “Ace”.   Any modifiers to the die roll should be tacked on after adding up an Aced roll.   Example:
  • Red attempts to leap a dangerous ice chasm.
  • She’s a Wild Cards with a d8 in Athletics, so she rolls a d8 and a d6 and takes the highest result.
  • In this case, both dice Ace  (8 on the d8 and 6 on the d6).
  • She rolls the d8 again and gets a 4 for a total of 12.
  • She rolls the d6 again and gets another 6, followed by a 2—that’s a total of 14.
  • Red leaps the chasm with ease…this time!


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