


  Berserkers become wild and nearly uncontrollable when the “red rage” takes them, but they are deadly killing machines as well! Immediately after suffering a Wound or a Shaken result (from physical damage only), your hero must make a Smarts roll or go Berserk. She can voluntarily fail this check if she likes. Going Berserk has the following effects:  


The character’s Strength increases a die type and every melee attack must be a Wild Attack. She cannot use any skills that require wit or concentration. She may scream out threats and use Intimidation, for example.  


Adrenaline and rage fuel the berserker’s muscles, adding +2 to Toughness. She ignores one level of Wound penalties (this stacks with any other abilities that reduce Wound penalties).  

Reckless Abandon

Anytime a berserker rolls a Critical Failure on a Fighting check, she hits a random target within range of her attack (not the intended target), friend or foe. If there are no applicable targets, the blow simply misses, smashes nearby objects, etc.   ---   After five consecutive rounds of berserk fury, the hero takes a level of Fatigue. At ten rounds, she takes another level of Fatigue and the rage ends.   She may also choose to end her rage at any time by making a Smarts −2 roll (as a free action; possibly avoiding Fatigue if she manages to end her rage before it’s incurred! Start the count anew if she goes berserk again, even in the same battle.


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