Critical Failures

A Critical Failure occurs when a Wild Cards rolls a 1 on both the Trait die and Wild Die of a Trait Roll. The attempt automatically fails and something bad happens - a weapon is dropped or gets stuck, the attack hits a friend, the vehicle crashes, spells misfire (see Backlash), and so on.   Critical Failures cannot be rerolled, even with Bennies.  

Extras and Critical Failures

If an Extra rolls a 1 on a Trait check and it’s important to know if it’s a Critical Failure, such as when casting a spell, roll a d6. On a 1, it’s a Critical Failure. Otherwise it’s just a normal failure.  

Multiple Dice

Some abilities allow characters to roll multiple Trait dice, such as the Frenzy Edge or firing a weapon with a Rate of Fire higher than 1. A Critical Failure with multiple dice occurs when more than half the die results are a natural 1. If the character is a Wild Cards, the Wild Die must be a 1 as well.   Example: 
  • Gabe fires the gatling gun of an armed train. 
  • It has a Rate of Fire of 3 so he rolls three Shooting dice and one Wild Die.
  • If three or more of the dice come up 1s, including the Wild Die, it’s a Critical Failure.


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