Damage Rolls

After a successful melee or ranged hit, the attacker rolls damage.  Ranged weapons do fixed damage as listed in the Gear section. Most pistols, for example, cause 2d6 damage. Hand weapons cause damage equal to the attacker’s Strength die plus a second die, which depends on the weapon. A strong player with a d12 Strength and a long sword (d8 damage) rolls d12 + d8 damage. Even though Strength is used to determine melee damage, this isn’t a Trait roll so Wild Cards don’t add a Wild Die to the roll.   All damage rolls can Ace.   Unarmed Damage: An unarmed combatant rolls only his Strength die unless he has an Edge like Brawler or Martial Artist that grants him a damage die.   BONUS DAMAGE Well-placed attacks are more likely to hit vital areas, and so do more damage. If your hero gets a raise on his attack roll (regardless of how many raises), he adds +1d6 to the final total. Bonus dice can also Ace! Bonus damage applies to all attacks, including spells and area effect weapons.   APPLYING DAMAGE If the damage roll is less than the target’s Toughness, the victim is beaten up a bit but there’s no game effect. If the damage is equal to or greater than his Toughness, he’s Shaken. Each raise on the damage roll also inflicts a Wound:  
  • SUCCESS: The character is Shaken. If he was already Shaken and the second result is from physical damage of some kind (not a Test that results in Shaken, for example), he remains Shaken and takes a Wound.
  • RAISE: The character suffers a Wound for every raise on the damage roll, and is Shaken.


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