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A beautiful city built on the banks of a massive river delta. The city is largely sandstone, and the architecture is polished white, with decorative tiles in some of the buildings carved out of orange coloured stone.   Khasut is a large city, built on both sides of the Iteru river delta, and the two halves of the city are known as the Blacklands and the Redlands.   

The Blacklands

The wealthier half of Khasut on the lower bank of the Iteru, encompassing the southeastern side of the city. The royal palace and seat of the Qa'a Dynasty is located here, built around a distributary of the Iteru. The palace is a sprawling expanse of white marble and sandstone, decorated with high pillars carved with the heroic deeds of the dynasty and 40ft tall statues of The Kaptah Deities The Divine Family.    This half of the city also houses many centres of higher education and much of the guilds that call Khasut home. Representatives of The Noble Houses of Hwt-ka-Ptah can be found here as well, though not all call Khasut their home.    Tha Blacklands are also the site of many of the grand temples and many skilled craftsmen also tend to reside here.    There are two major market squares that are found here as well: Neithotep Plaza and Hekamym Market.   

The Redlands

  The poorer half of the city, where many traders and merchants reside, alongside many common-folk such as farmers or fishermen. The redlands isn't the most appropriate name for this half of town, as the fertile farmland that make up a good portion of the northwestern part of the city is more green with crops and black with rich, fertile soil.    There are also many breweries in the Redlands, and it's usually the go-to for many visitors to Khasut, as many a tavern can be found here too.
Large city
Location under


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