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A port city on the coast of Lievona, a huge trading hub and very famous for some crazy adventures (especially of the courtesan-seducing variety), it feels a little dreamlike to be in this city, with tall spires with bulb-like roofs, and cathedrals to Eonyx built huge and almost all windows are filled with stained glass, even the streetlamps have stained glass that colour the roads at night.


Lievona is run by a council called Coronaria, who serve under the King and Queen of Lievona. Each major city has a Coronaria , typically of 5-7 members.


The city of Mariselle has twelve 'houses'. Each house is named for a constellation or star and each house is governed by a Maire (mayor) who reports to the Coronaria.  


The temple district, where the Ecletant Cathedral is located. The smallest district by size, but the most elaborately built. The Ecletant Cathdral is also the largest temple in Elyria, and it takes up a good chunk of the city. This is located right in the crook of Scuti, well protected by the Torches based nearby.


A port district and where some of the shipyards are. 


The guild district. Many of the guilds here are dedicated to glassmaking and fine metalwork. Lieve glassworks are some of the finest in the world, and their artisans are banned from sharing their secrets. This is a well enforced law that is punishable by life imprisonment. Not many have ever considered breaking this law though, as most of these artisans want to keep their secrets only within their guilds. (There's also a fierce rivalry between each of the glass guilds but that's another story...)


The central market district. The Gilded Mercatus is perhaps one of the most famous marketplaces in Elyria. It's run by 2 merchant guilds, The Silver Silo and The Emmerveldts. The merchants of the Gilded Mercatus owe much of the administrative work and coordination to these two guilds, who have over the past 250 years, maintained this marketplace as one of the prime examples of how a market should be run.  


The red light district, quite literally... the streetlamps here are inset with red stained glass. Many inns and taverns can be found here, but also many a brothel.  


Not the wealthiest of districts but up and coming as a Place to Be. The streets of this district are often filled with art and graffiti, but people love to see it. Many an artist was discovered living in this district and has had their work exhibited in the museums of Craterii.  


The arcane district. There are quite a number of mages who reside and work here. There are a few towers here that tourists love to come and see for their gradeur (though the locals doubt that the mages themselves enjoy the 'company').   


The military district and soldiers' barracks. This district forms a 'C' shape around the northeastern side of the city, with guards stationed along the city walls keeping tabs on the people moving in and out.  


Another commercial district, close to the Craterii. A very working class neighbourhood, a lot of good food from all around Elyria can be found here, made by immigrants into the city.   


A guild district, but more for masons and smiths. There is a famous Lieve guild, The Argent-leders, who are based here. They are known to be highly skilled in multiple areas of study, and very sought after in Lieve circles.   


A wealthy district and also the art and museum district. This district boasts some of the finest art collections of Elyria, featuring many contemporary artists from all over the world. Theophania's Salon and The Aurelic Galleria are two such examples.    


  The administrative district. The Coronaria reside and work here, in a building called the Chariot Spire. It's said that passers by know when a meeting of all the Coronaria is in session by the glow of the beacons on the roof of the tower.
Large city
Location under


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