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Not much is known about the ruin that is Moryanen. It is only known in fairy tales and myths about the fabled City of Glass, which then became the City of Shards.   In the fables surrounding this place, it was said that Moryanen was an oasis, a city in the middle of the Kaliyaka desert made almost entirely of coloured glass. It was said that tall towers rose into the sky and the inhabitants could touch the clouds if they just opened a window. It was said that Moryanen was a bustling metropolis that traded in the greatest of magics, that all its inhabitants were gifted with arcana.   And then one day, an asteroid hit the city, and even if there were survivors, no one remembers how or what happened. The people of Moryanen were scattered to the wind and left to fend for themselves in the desert.   Archeologists do try and make trips into the desert to try and find the ruins of the great city, but it is an extremely difficult endeavour since The Infernal Scourge calls the desert home. Even when these explorers do enter the ruins, they are unable to stay long, for there is a very strong sense of unease that causes nausea and sickness to all who enter, which gets progressively worse the longer a person remains inside. It is also known, that the remnant pieces of the city are called Eden's Lens, and they are pieces of coloured glass that are found littered about the desert. It is said that these pieces, if held close, still hold a bit of the magic that once held the city together, and can transfer that magic to the person who most holds it. Some people also say those pieces are cursed and to leave them there if you find them amongst the shifting sands.


The demographics of the inhabitants of Moryanen are mostly unknown. It's only assumed that their Queen was a human and even that is uncertain.


In the historical records about Moryanen, it is assumed that it was a monarchy.

unknown, estimated 2000 years ago

Alternative Name(s)
City of Glass, City of Shards
estimated 1,000,000 inhabitants
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under

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