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The Rikhross

Constituted of partially nomadic people, the humans and halflings are pale skinned and have hair that ranges from light to deep brown, mostly with eyes of grey or brown. They are known explorers and excellent sailors.   The lands they call home are mostly cold and hard, with short summers and long winters.   The Rikhross were once a colonised people, but that is now a mostly forgotten history. They have however, kept their love for freedom, independence and exploration.   The Rikhross speak Reuda, and is where most of spoken common is derived from. This language sounds rather similar to common but to an untrained listener, it sounds harsh and possibly a little aggressive.   The Rikhross are probably not that many, in terms of citizenship, but all of them are trained warriors, it’s customary for all Rikhross to start to learn how to fight at age 5, but males tend to pick up archery (or hammers) while girls pick up swordsmanship or polearms.  

Deities of the Rikhross:

The Deities of the Rikhross are called The Essir, and are a race of immortals who helped to create the Rikhross.  

Culture and Aesthetics:

The Rikhross people tend to dress in wools, skins and furs, largely in browns, greys, blacks and blues. They do like to accent their clothing with red or green though, typically in the form of stone beads or braided yarns. Embroidery is popular amongst the people as a form of decoration, but to many other realms, their embroidery is very 'simple'.  Rikhross citizens tend to wear similar clothing across genders, preferring practicality and slimmer-cut clothing which can be easily layered up.    The people here also enjoy painting their skin with dyes in reddish brown or blue. And different patterns can mean different things depending on the region. Typically these motifs are runes believed to protect the wearer or the saced animals of one of the Essir.


The Rikhross is a largely cold and hilly expanse, with many of their settlements found near the rivers and lakes that dot the frozen landscape.   

Notable Cities in Rikhross:

A city in the mountains, largely dwarven but has a mix of humans and halflings as well. It’s built into the grey-white stone on the mountainside, and it is perhaps one of the biggest cities in Elyria.  
A port city, the largest in Rikhross, protected by floating bastions and sea towers, it is located on the end of the Vymur Strait, and a trading hub for visitors to this land. It is also often the start of many journeys south for Rikhross adventurers.  
Perhaps the only elven city in the Rikhross. Located near the base of the Brandr Ridge, this city is surrounded by dense forest, and is difficult to navigate to, but the city itself is beautiful, and also very old. The elves found here are taller and paler than most. Often with hair so light it appears white or silver. Those with darker hair are redheads, and have freckles and are more sturdily built. These are called Thorlags or Thorlag Elves, and are equally feared and respected by the Rikhross.  
Other Towns:
Aluborg - a fort-city on the southern Hivarethen coast, on the top portion of the Agrophysetter Bay
Other Villages:
Included Locations
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