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Yana Inti

Yana Inti is a land of lush jungles and tall mountains and steppes. It’s a beautiful and vibrant land, but treacherous to cross, for all sorts of dangerous creatures live here.   The people of this land are called the Qari. They are sturdily built and often on the shorter end, but most of the people here are very strong (+2 to STR stat) due to the harsh jungles and the combat training many receive in school.   The Qari speak Nahuatl , and communicate not in written language but in a form of knot-tying and rope work called Khipu. While they do have pictographs, these are largely used as decoration and have a more religious or symbolic purpose rather than for communication.   The Qari do speak common as well, and are often taught at least 2 other languages in schools, usually elven and dwarven.  

Notable Cities in Yana Inti:

  The capital city of Yana Inti, a huge city surrounded by a 50ft wall, located on the mountainside on the edges of the jungle.
Naui Quiatl
  The square city, full of temples and great mages. This city produces some of the greatest astronomers in Elyria, but most of them are of Qari descent, though some outsiders do manage to pass the tough trials too.
  This city also has a high wall, 30ft tall, with each main gate positioned to face a cardinal direction.
It is located in the middle of Thunderbird territory, and the people who live in Tlacopan often make sacrifices to the Thunderbirds and Rocs and in return, these great birds help to protect the city.
  The War-city. This is the main home and training grounds for the Qari military. The Qari mainly train fighters in sword and shield. And often many barbarians join their ranks from the villages and towns in the land.
  Perhaps the friendliest of the Yana Inti cities. Though all cities welcome outsiders for commerce, the residents tend to see those not of Qari descent with a little mistrust. Acatlan is located nearest to the borders of Yana Inti, and has a large guard presence due to it being further north than most other cities.  


  Hummingbird Hills  


The Deities of Yana Inti

  The Qari believe in a series of deities called The Hueachto , who are a series of warriors who demand a yearly sacrifice of blood in a special ritual. This ritual is meant as a way to appease the Hueachto and prevent their civilization from being destroyed, as well as to ask for prosperity in the coming year.
Related Tradition (Primary)
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