Understanding administrative procedures, records, and unspken conventions are covered by the Bureaucracy skill. It is used to interact with officials or discover pertinent civic information. The Bureaucracy skill cannot exceed the score of the Language (or Native Tongue) skill while they work. Whenever red-tape or administrative landscapes need to be navigated, a Bureaucracy roll is necessary.
Critically succeeding in Bureaucracy lends to a deep insight into the procedures and formalities of whatever it is the character is attempting to accomplish, achieving it in half the usual time. It also means any subsequent skills relying on the Bureaucracy roll are one grade easier (Influence for example ,or Deceit)
A failure results in becoming stonewalled or relevant documents misplaced, the user's inability to follow customary procedure resulting in subsequent skills relevant to the situation becoming one grade harder.
If the roll is fumbled then access is forbidden or the character alienates a key personage -- so that their enquiry or request will never be satisfied.