
Insight is the ability to read or intuitively define another's verbal and non-verbal behaviour (such as body language or the manner of speech) to establish their motives and state of mind. Insight is used to determine if someone is telling a lie (and it can be opposed by the other person's Deceit skill), or to predict how someone feels about a particular situation. Insight can equally be applied to particular situations as well as other people: is that tavern a haven for trouble? Could the bandits be planning an ambush in the nearby hills?

On a critical success the Insightful character gains an in-depth understanding of the other person's current motives, thoughts, and feelings. Using either Deceit or Influence against that person in a subsequent roll is one grade easier than circumstances would dictate.

A failure simply means the character cannot discern anything specific at that time. On a fumble, the character completly mijudges the person's motives and actions. The GM should offer the character a series of private deliberately misleading hints regarding the person's motivations and likely actions. It also makes consequent Deceit and Influence rolls one difficulty grade harder.

Standard Skill Base Skill Value: INT + POW


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