
Locale measures a character's understanding of local flora, fauna, terrain, and weather in an area where they have spent the majorit of their life, usually within their community. The character knows the common plants, trees and animals, their properties and behaviour: where the best fish can be found; the movements of game creatures; where to find shelter; the likely weather for the season, and the most common regional dangers. In neighboring, yet unfamiliar locations Locale should be made one or more grades harder.

A critical success guarantees the character finds what they are looking for in abundance or knows precisely what something is. Subsequent rolls related to the subject of that Locale roll (Survival or Track for instance) become one grade easier.

A failure implies too little evidence to unambigiously identify or predict, or that whatever is being searched for cannot be found.

A fumble means the information needed is not just unobtainable but utterly misunderstood. Subsequent skill rolls dependant on that use of Locale become one grade harder.

Standard Skill Base Skill Value: INT x2


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