Dyora Albyn Character in Embril | World Anvil

Dyora Albyn

Dyora Albyn is the leader of the Guild of Mystic Arts in Rowadin and a member of the Lords of Rowadin Council. She is widely recognized as the most powerful and influential member of the council and has as many enemies as she does allies. Lady Dyora, as she is often referred to, is always accompanied by her two half-orc bodyguards, Durik and Naltruum Esdil.   Haymin Stone accumulated a significant debt of 10,000 crowns to Dyora as she often loaned him money to keep his guild afloat. Now that ownership of Heroes for Hire has been passed on to Haymin's Heroes, the debt passed along with it. The party has until April 10, 499 AV to repay this debt, or ownership of the guild passes to Dyora.   Years ago, Dyora was part of the adventuring party known as the Emerald Striders, along with her sister, Jenivar Albyn, Haymin Stone, Merrywind Onyx, and the late, Edmar Maratino.


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