Jenivar Albyn Character in Embril | World Anvil

Jenivar Albyn

Jenivar Albyn owns and operates the Home Away From Home, an inn located in the town of Karavale. She is the longtime love interest of Haymin Stone, and is often frustrated by his life as an adventurer, which often keeps him away for long periods of time.   Despite an awkward introduction to the seven youths who Haymin rescued and brought to her establishment, Jenivar ultimately agreed to take them in and care for them while Haymin, once again, set off for another adventure.   At first, Jenivar was staunchly opposed to the youths pursuing careers as adventurers. But after Haymin's Heroes faced off against the Shadow while he attempted to destroy the Home Away From Home, Jenivar's past as an adventurer was revealed. Knowing that they were determined to eventually join Haymin at Heroes for Hire, she then took it upon herself to see to their training in his absence.   For about two years, Jenivar helped support the youths while they trained. Then when a letter informing them of Haymin's death came to them at the Home Away From Home, Jenivar took the party to Rowadin to begin the next chapter in their lives.   Years ago, Jenivar was part of the adventuring party known as the Emerald Striders, along with her sister, Dyora Albyn, Haymin Stone, Merrywind Onyx, and the late, Edmar Maratino.


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