Haymin Stone Character in Embril | World Anvil

Haymin Stone

Haymin Stone was an adventurer and the founder of Heroes for Hire, an adventurers' guild in Rowadin. Many years ago, Haymin met the mysterious Brother Lu from Church, and learned from the angel that he was destined to one day rescue a group of kidnapped youths that would go on to become one of the most important adventuring parties in the history of Embril. Ever since, Haymin had focused on seeking out youths in peril and destined for slavery. For many years he had hunted down a Tenthite slave ring that frequently kidnaps children from all across the continent of Velen. In doing so, he had bankrupted Heroes for Hire and placed himself in considerable debt.   On April 1st, 496 AV, Haymin rescued seven youths from the Tenthite slave ring and convinced them to join Heroes for Hire, offering them training in whatever adventuring profession they desired. With their acceptance, he was convinced that these were the youths whom Brother Lu had foretold. But before he could begin their training, he informed them that he was committed to another quest of great importance. Before setting off on this other quest, he decided to take the youths to Karavale to leave them in the care of Jenivar Albyn, his longtime love interest. Afterwards, Haymin planned on returning for them, take them to Rowadin, and begin their training in earnest.   His quest, however, grew longer than any of them expected. For two years, Haymin aided the mysterious Mr. King in locating some powerful artifacts and a map that would lead him to the ultimate prize. He visited Karavale as often as he could and offered whatever training he could to Haymin's Heroes, the name the party of youths had decided upon. Before setting off on the final leg of this quest, Haymin revealed that he would be meeting his contacts in Bright River, a town in Prend, Oathendale, the same town Titta Morco originally hailed from. There, he was to meet his contacts at a compound in Applewind, the farm Titta's father used to own before his murder at the hands of Marak Quinaro and the Red Sashes. When Haymin learned of Titta's connection to Bright River and Applewind, he realized he had some things to set right, telling the party as much before he set out.   Haymin had been gone for months again before a letter arrived at the Home Away From Home informing them of his death on April 3, 498 AV.   Years ago, Haymin was part of the adventuring party known as the Emerald Striders, along with Dyora Albyn, Jenivar Albyn, Merrywind Onyx, and the late, Edmar Maratino.


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