Session 10 Report Report in Embril | World Anvil

Session 10 Report

General Summary

Haymin’s Heroes entered the sewers and followed the flow of water to where it spilled out into the Great Lake, a short distance south of Karavale, and south of where the party has been swimming in the lake. They discovered two loosened bars in the grate covering which they were able to remove and replace, suggesting that these were once used as an entrance or exit into the sewer system. They then went back into town and reentered the sewers from Mrs. Torden’s cellar and explored in the opposite direction. Their original thought was to follow the tunnels towards the docks, but a footprint in the mud at an intersection pointed towards the direction of the Home Away From Home. Following this path, they found a sewer grate which exited close to the inn and surmised that this may have been used by the Shadow Network rogues to approach unseen. When they were done exploring the sewers, they returned to Mrs. Torden’s cellar and cleaned up, disposing of the centipede carcasses in the sewer.   They informed Mrs. Torden that they were finished and informed her of the entrance to the sewers. Wynvar came with them to her mother’s home to help Mrs. Torden deal with this new discovery. The party offered to cover her shift so she could assist her mother and she agreed. Haymin’s Heroes then informed Captain Brice of the situation beneath Mrs. Torden’s home and the hidden entrance to the sewers.   Selia Roselyn Maxwell covered Wynvar’s shift at the Home Away From Home. Titta Morco retired to her room, the effects of the centipede poison had taken its toll on her. The next morning, Sinjin Fairchild had broken out in a fever. Jenivar Albyn looked him over and claimed he had contracted filth fever, a disease commonly found in rats. She suggested he remain in bed the rest of the day with limited contact to others as his illness might be contagious. Ladigo Farthon spent the day tending to Sinjin with Selia helping as well. In addition, Jenivar gave Titta the day off to continue recovering from the poison. In a couple of days, all were back to full health and able to return to work.   On the 14th of June, an adventuring party named the Bonded Brothers came to the Home Away From Home after a successful adventure to the marshland north of the Great Lake. Titta and Selia approached them after their shift was over and initiated a conversation. Ultimately, all of Haymin’s Heroes were invited over to share their table as they spoke of adventures and their affiliation with the League of Extraordinary Treasure Seekers in Rowadin. During the conversation, Sarwen, the party’s monk, inquired as to Sinjin’s hairstyle, stating that Master Romgar Bellvir of the School of the Open Hand in Rowadin wore a similar braid. As their conversation continued, Sarwen noted that the combat style Sinjin had trained in with his father was similar to Sarwen’s, which he had learned at the School of the Open Hand. He even noted that Master Romgar’s accent seemed western, like Sinjin’s, however, considerably less pronounced. The next morning, the Bonded Brothers left town on their way back to Rowadin.   On June 19, 496 AV, Haymin returned to Karavale. The party shared the stories of their adventures since he had been away. However, Haymin would not be as forthcoming with tales of his recent exploits, despite their inquiries. He only shared that it would be a longer process than he had originally anticipated and he was on a short break while his benefactor, Mr. King, sought further leads for him to explore.
The Heart of Embril
Pyzar Zim
Auren Sylynn
Titta Morco
Mogi Delvin
Ladigo Farthon
Selia Roselyn Maxwell
Sinjin Fairchild
Report Date
20 Jul 2020


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