Session 114 Report Report in Embril | World Anvil

Session 114 Report

General Summary

Haymin’s Heroes searched out the other rooms in the underground hideaway. One was a sleeping quarters containing several bunk beds. The other was a storage room containing some old food and drink. But there was nothing of value. When they were done, Selia Roselyn Maxwell teleported the party back to the Glass Dragon Inn.   They discussed their next course of action and decided that Kyrie Eleison Thatcher-Stone should cast Discern Location to try to find Augus, the doppelganger who they had worked with on the Ex Machina. To their surprise, her spell revealed that he was in Bright River, Oathendale, Titta Morco’s hometown. Then she cast it again, this time searching for Idarin Black. He was also in Bright River.   By now it was early in the morning on December 28, 499 AV. The party had been up most of the night and was in need of a rest. They slept in until early afternoon. When they awoke, they prepared their spells and readied themselves to go to Bright River, via Selia’s Greater Teleport.   They teleported outside the walls of the compound at the opening they had snuck into when they were last here. They snuck into the grounds again, taking cover behind the barn and the storage sheds on their way to the main house. When they saw no one around, they went up to the front door and knocked. Augus and Idarin answered. Idarin greeted Haymin’s Heroes warmly. They asked him about the singularity bomb, but he denied knowing where the Black Requiem planned on using it, claiming he and Augus had been intentionally kept out of the loop in case Haymin’s Heroes came looking for them.   Disappointed, the party walked away from the house and began considering their next move. Before they got far, it was suggested that they use Detect Thoughts on the doppelgangers to try to reveal their secrets. They turned back, knocked on the door, and Selia cast the spell. She was able to read Augus’ thoughts, though Idarin apparently resisted her magic. Idarin invited the party in and offered them some tea to drink. They accepted and went inside while Titta began asking the doppelgangers questions as Selia focused on what Augus was thinking in response.   When the conversation was over, the party left and Selia informed them of what she had learned. The Black Requiem plans on using the singularity bomb in York, Kainan. But Augus did not know specifically where. They were really left out of other specific details knowing Haymin’s Heroes would find them. In fact, the Black Requiem wants the party to search for him and the singularity bomb. He wants to kill them, either himself, or with the bomb. The Black Requiem has increased significantly in power. Augus thought of him as the most powerful being on Embril, believing the Black Requiem had been blessed by Umbra, Goddess of Shadow, who favors him.   Haymin’s Heroes next went to York, teleporting back to the room in the palace. They did not check in with authorities there yet, preferring to continue their search. Kyrie took them to the Three Ales Inn where they met her mother, Amelia, a waitress there. The party booked rooms and spoke briefly with Kyrie’s mother before they walked through the city in search of any clues they could find. They stopped at various inns and taverns and listened to any talks and rumors, but heard nothing that led them in the right direction.   Later that evening, they returned to the Three Ales Inn. Kyrie talked with her mother and told her about meeting Haymin Stone. She did not mention anything about Merrywind Onyx. After they caught up for a bit, Kyrie walked her mother home.   On December 29, 499 AV, Haymin’s Heroes checked the local theaters to see what shows were on offer, but learned nothing there. Then they went to the High Temple of the Trinity and spoke with Champion Educus Tark. They asked about any expeditions to clear out the sewers, but did not learn of any in the very recent past.   Afterwards, they decided to explore the sewers on their own, believing them to be a likely place for the Unseen to hide the singularity bomb. First, however, they went to a local magic shop to purchase a scroll of Speak with Animals. Next they looked for an entrance to the sewer system near the Public Forum, a spot where people often gather to hear proclamations from the king. The Public Forum is also next to the royal palace and the Senate Hall.   They entered the sewer and looked for rats. When they found some, Titta used her ranger training to calm one down enough to where it did not run away from her. Then she used the scroll of Speak With Animals. She asked the rat if any people had been here recently. It told her that, in fact, some had been. And one of them was a frightening, skeletal being. She asked the rat to take her to where it had seen them and it did.   From there, Titta picked up several humanoid tracks. The party spent some time following them through the sewers. In doing so, they found a large room, probably a ruin that was built over many years ago. The tracks had come into this room and walked around. Haymin’s Heroes thought this might be a good spot for the singularity bomb. They searched the room, but found nothing.   After exploring the sewers, the party left and visited with Kyrie’s mother that evening before eventually settling down to sleep for the night.
The Heart of Embril
Pyzar Zim
Auren Sylynn
Titta Morco
Mogi Delvin
Ladigo Farthon
Kyrie Eleison Thatcher-Stone
Selia Roselyn Maxwell
Report Date
25 Feb 2023


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