Session 132 Report Report in Embril | World Anvil

Session 132 Report

General Summary

Captain Trevian and most of the crew took Haymin’s Heroes to the Barmaid’s Chest, a popular tavern in Pearl. Astelan and Dariell remained behind on the ship, having drawn the short straws, waiting for another pair of deckhands to eventually relieve them. A few of the crew went straight to Sirens, a brothel next to the Barmaid’s Chest. The tavern was busy when they arrived, but they found tables. Captain Trevian and crew sat in the center of the tavern, while the party sat a few tables away towards the side. As the night progressed, the tavern grew even more crowded.   Haymin’s Heroes sipped casually on their drinks. They listened to the chatter in the taproom. There was talk of the Black Ship and whispers of what happened to the Kraken’s Kiss and the Lucky Leviathan. Mogi Delvin mingled with the growing crowd, visiting a table of pirates and buying them a round of drinks which served as a suitable icebreaker. He learned that the pirates were considering turning to the dragons of Zamilon to deal with the Black Ship. But they were afraid what that would cost.   The ship captain that had approached Captain Trevian entered the tavern, followed by several of his crew. The captain found a table to one side of the room while a number of his men mingled throughout the bar. After a while, this captain approached Captain Trevian’s table. Titta Morco and Mogi hurried to the bar and tried to listen in on the conversation. They heard the man comment on Lucky Leviathan’s light crew. When Captain Trevian told him they would manage, the other brought up the Black Ship. The conversation became heated as Captain Trevian thought he was being provoked. The other then made Captain Trevian an offer, asking him to sail for him, fly his flag, and pay him twenty percent. Captain Trevian did not respond well to this and eventually drew a dagger, saying he could have his ship over his dead body. Crewmen from both ships drew weapons and it became tense for a moment. But the other man backed off and walked away, leaving the tavern with his men following.   Auren Sylynn and Ladigo Farthon left the tavern and headed towards the Lucky Leviathan. They followed the oher captain and his crew as they headed towards the docks as well. Titta checked on Captain Trevian. He was visibly upset and was going to have a couple more drinks. They learned the other’s name was Captain Huxley. After some conversation, the rest of Haymin’s Heroes agreed to go after Auren and Ladigo and hurried back towards the ship.   When Auren and Ladigo reached the Lucky Leviathan, they found the other captain and crew already there. Captain Huxley boarded the ship with his men in tow. He spoke to Astelan and Dariell. Auren rushed forward and tried to board the ship himself, but Captain Huxley’s crew was crowded on and around the gang plank and they blocked his path. Ladigo, in blink dog form, teleported onto the quarterdeck. Auren pulled out a singularity grenade and held it up asking the sailors if they knew what that was. They said they did not, and then Auren pulled the pin and tossed it in the middle of the group before the gang plank. One of the sailors caught it. The grenade exploded, creating a blackened point in his hand that then sucked in everything around it. In an instant, four of the sailors had disappeared. Four of them evaded deftfully. One was only partially sucked in, falling unconscious in a bleeding heap on the ground. Curses and cries followed. Captain Huxley yelled, “Kill him!” Then he attacked Dariell, while directing his men.   The rest of the party heard the sounds of screaming down the road. Selia Roselyn Maxwell cast Haste and they rushed forward. Mogi cast Fireball, catching the sailors just past the gang plank, dropping most of those who evaded the singularity grenade. Ladigo them cast Ice Storm over the enemies on the ship. They took a pounding from the ice and hail, leaving many of them bruised and bleeding. The sailors tried to counterattack, but to little effect as they no match for Haymin’s Heroes. A couple of the, however, slipped out from under the pounding hail to help their captain with Dariell and Astelan. Titta flew up and disposed a couple of sailors with her scimitars. Auren ran into the Ice Storm trying to reach Captain Huxley and help Dariell and Astellan. Pyzar Zim ran up near the gang plank and killed a couple of sailors that had fled the Ice Storm. Kyrie Eleison Thatcher-Stone cast Searing Light and dropped another sailor that had ran off the ship.   Captain Huxley wounded Dariell and almost had him defeated while a couple of his men climbed the stairs of the quarterdeck, heading to Ladigo. But Selia cast Dimension Door, taking Pyzar with her to block them. Mogi killed one with an Orb of Fire. Pyzar killed the other. Then Ladigo cast Moon Bolt at Captain Huxley. The captain fell to the ground, all the strength sapped from his body causing him to pass out. Titta then demanded the rest of the sailors surrender. There were only four still conscious. Knowing the battle was lost, they dropped their weapons and backed down.   Haymin’s Heroes gathered the sailors and tied them up. They found one unconscious sailor still alive and tied him up as well. Kyrie healed Dariell. He said, “Thank you, beautiful.” And she winked at him. Then she cast Lesser Restoration on Captain Huxley. He was conscious once more, but barely had enough strength to hold up his own head. Then she cast it again. He was still quite weak, but could at least move some on his own. Kyrie used her Sacred Healing ability to help patch some of Auren’s wounds, while also healing the defeated pirates some. This at least helped bring their unconscious one back around.   Titta told Astelan and Dariell to go get Captain Trevian and they hurried off to the Barmaid’s Chest. She then spoke to Captain Huxley emphasizing his diminished crew and drawing parallel to his earlier banter with Captain Trevian. Huxley saw the irony in this situation and admitted his failure in trying to take advantage of the situation. In the conversation, the party learned that over sixty years ago, a flight of red dragons from Zamilon had attacked and sank several pirate ships in retaliation for pirate attacks on Zamilonian ships. They then demanded fifteen percent from each pirate ship delivered to Port Scale regularly. If the pirates refused, the dragons would destroy them all. Ever since, pirates from the Pirate Isles have paid regular tribute to Razcaczar. Not knowing what else to do about the Black Ship, the pirates were likely to turn to Port Scale for help with this situation, despite knowing it would likely cost them even more tribute.   When their conversation was done, Captain Huxley agreed to vote for the Lucky Leviathan’s plan and to allow Captain Trevian and Haymin’s Heroes to go after the Black Ship and the lich he had just learned about. They untied the pirates and Captain Trevian and his crew arrived on the scene. Haymin’s Heroes told him of Captain Huxley’s change of heart, making sure there would be no more hostility between them. In a show of generosity, Auren gave Captain Huxley fifty crowns to help hire replacements for his crew. Captain Huxley thanked him. They were allowed to leave in peace and his men helped him walk as he was still very weak.   Haymin’s Heroes spoke with Captain Trevian. Sailors from the other crew came back to pick up their dead. They did so without incident. Then most of the Lucky Leviathan’s crew, including Captain Trevian, returned to the Barmaid’s Chest with Haymin’s Heroes. They all wanted some more drinks.
The Heart of Embril
Pyzar Zim
Auren Sylynn
Titta Morco
Mogi Delvin
Ladigo Farthon
Kyrie Eleison Thatcher-Stone
Selia Roselyn Maxwell
Report Date
14 Oct 2023


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