Session 144 Report Report in Embril | World Anvil

Session 144 Report

General Summary

Haymin’s Heroes walked down the hallway, the far end seemingly getting no closer as they did so. The door behind them disappeared after some minutes, but their destination did not materialize. They kept going, the sound of weeping accompanying them as they walked. After about twenty minutes of walking, they suddenly came to a room.   There was a large red pentagram, the holy symbol of Asmodeus, God of Sin, covering most of the floor. The party was careful not to step on the pentagram, skirting around it and hugging the walls. There was an exit on the opposite side of the room, another seemingly endless hallway. Before taking this route, the party searched the walls of this chamber, while still avoiding the pentagram. Their search turned up nothing and the party continued down the next hallway.   They hustled down this next corridor. After about fifteen minutes, they reached the next room. Titta Morco estimated that each corridor was approximately one mile long. This new room had two other exits on the other side. The walls were covered in paintings depicting multiple scenes. But defending this room were several devils.   The pit fiend in the back of the room cast a spell at the party. They all felt the magic try to hold them, but they resisted. The pit fiend also cast a quickened Fireball on the party. But thanks to their resistance to fire, they were all unhurt. Titta them rushed forward and engaged a large hulking devil wielding a large, multi-headed spear. The monster had its armor nailed to its body. From maggots fed on the festering wounds. When Titta struck it, maggots burst forth from the devil and began biting her. A pair of horned devils then rushed forward. One of them cast a Lightning Bolt down the hall at the rest of the party, inflicting some damage.   Auren Sylynn attacked the closest of the horned devils. Then Selia Roselyn Maxwell cast Great Thunderclap, catching most of the devils. Several of them were left either stunned, deafened, or prone, or a combination of the three. Some of the barbed devils run forward and attack Titta. One of the hulking devils shoots with its crossbow, but misses. Another stands up from prone, taking a shot from Titta. Traegandar with Mogi Delvin rush forward and engage one of the horned devils. Then Kyrie Eleison Thatcher-Stone cast Cometfall on the pit fiend. The pit fiend was prone from the Great Thunderclap, but was able to roll, catching a glancing blow from the large comet.   Pyzar Zim moved forward and placed himself between some of the devils to be in reach of multiple enemies. Ladigo Farthon cast Mass Snake’s Swiftness, allowing the party to strike out at the devils. Titta dropped one of the hulking devils then struck out at a barbed devil, taking damage from its spikes.   The pit fiend stood up and cast Greater Dispel Magic on Kyrie, followed up by a quickened Fireball. Some of her spells were dispelled, but the Fireball was harmless due to the party’s fire resistance. Titta continued to fight the barbed devils, taking damage from their spikes, but killing two of them before moving on to another of the hulking armored devils. Auren ran to the pit fiend, but when he got too close, he was turned away by the devil’s fear aura. Selia, still in the hallway, cast Haste on the party and Wall of Force behind her to block Auren’s escape as he tried to flee.   The party brought down the horned devils, but they were still regenerating, so Pyzar focused on finishing them off while the rest focused on the other devils. Ladigo cast Panacea on Auren, freeing him from the pit fiend’s fear effect. The pit fiend then cast Power Word Stun on the wounded Titta. Kyrie cast Heal on Titta, to free her from the stunning effect.   As the rest of the party defeated the remaining devils, Titta and Auren took on the pit fiend. With a Wish spell, the pit fiend cast Heal on itself. But Titta continued the onslaught with her scimitars. Then Auren finished it off.   The party regrouped. Ten of the sixty-six devils had been faced. Kyrie noted the paintings on the walls. They recounted the tale of the signing of the Pact Primeval and the creation of the Nine Hells. When the party was ready, they continued on, chosing the corridor on the right.   After twenty minutes, they came to another room. This one contained a large pit in the center of the room. Some devils awaited them, four barbed devils, two horned devils, and a paeliryon.
The Heart of Embril
Pyzar Zim
Auren Sylynn
Titta Morco
Mogi Delvin
Ladigo Farthon
Kyrie Eleison Thatcher-Stone
Selia Roselyn Maxwell
Report Date
20 Mar 2024


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