Session 146 Report Report in Embril | World Anvil

Session 146 Report

General Summary

From within the fire, the pit fiends casted Unholy Aura, covering all the devils in the room in a malevolent darkness. Titta Morco rushed forward to attack one of the horned devils standing in the Wall of Fire. When she struck, she felt the blackness on the devil reach up her arm trying to sap her strength. Traegandar moved up near the wall and Mogi Delvin cast Cone of Cold. The frost negated much of the Wall of Fire, allowing the party to see the devil within more clearly. Traegandar pit at a horned devil and felt the darkness weaken him.   Kyrie Eleison Thatcher-Stone cast Stormrage and flew up to see over the remaining Wall of Fire and zapped one of the pit fiends with her lightning, but it did not appear to hurt the devil at all. Pyzar Zim flew in, but when he got close to the horned devil, the creatures fear aura turned him away. Pyzar went flying back down the corridor as quickly as he could. Selia Roselyn Maxwell cast Greater Dispel Magic on the devils, but she was only able to dispel the Unholy Aura on one of the pit fiends.   Auren Sylynn moved up and threw a singularity grenade at a group of devils, damaging them. A couple of barbed devils rushed to him and attacked. Auren counter-attacked, killing one in the process. The other barbed devils ran up to Titta and Selia. One of the horned devils focused on Titta, while the other ran up to Selia. Then one of the pit fiends cast Power Word Stun on Titta.   Mogi and Traegandar focused on the pit fiend without the Unholy Aura, causing serious damage to it. Kyrie then flew after Pyzar, getting close enough to cast Resurgence on him, helping him shake off the fear. Pyzar turned around and flew back, but he was struck by a horned devils spiked chain and left stunned. Selia cast Break Enchantment to free Titta from the Power Word Stun. Then she cast Dimension Door and moved to the other side of the room, away from the devils trying to attack her.   As the battle continued, Titta slipped and fell prone. Ladigo Farthon finished summoning an earth monolith and cast Reverse Gravity, sending a group of devils crashing into the ceiling, while his enormous elemental smashed the wounded pit fiend. Kyrie cast Heal on Pyzar, breaking him out of his stun. Pyzar then flew up to the ceiling to deal with the devils there. Titta stood up and faced off against a pit fiend that had flown over to her.   While Pyzar dealt with the ones on the ceiling, Titta, Auren, Mogi, Traegandar, and the earth monolith focused on the ones on the ground. One of the pit fiends fell, and the other cast a spell to banish the elemental in desperation. But the party was able to finish off the pit fiend shortly after.   When the battle was over, they finished off the wounded devils before their regeneration could bring them back to consciousness. The party regrouped and continued down another corridor. As they approached the next room, they could see a fiery glow coming from within. They began casting spells in preparation for the battle to come. Ladigo also summoned another earth monolith, and the creature led the charge into the room.   A large mechanical contraption spurting fire from all over awaited them in this room. They decided it must have been the hellfire engine. Behind it was a tall pillar, and atop that was a metallic chest.   Under the effect of Haste, the party moved in, the elemental and the hellfire engine smashing each other in the process. Pyzar moved in and attacked. Then Kyrie cast Cometfall, dropping a large chunk of rock onto the hellfire engine. Cracks were already beginning to show in the construct. Then Titta moved in with her Belt of Battle and unleashed with her scimitars. With every strike, the fire within the construct pulsed and more and more. Then with her final strike, the hellfire engine exploded.   Everyone in the room was greatly wounded. Ladigo went over to Kyrie immediately and cast Heal on her. With everyone else stable, Auren asked Pyzar to fly him up to the top of the pillar. Pyzar did so and everyone left the room while Auren examined the box. He could find no traps on it. And it was not locked. He then opened it and saw the Heart of Embril inside. He grabbed the box with the stone inside and had Pyzar bring him back down.   There were still several devils remaining on guard in Fortress Nessus. They decided to run back the way they came and make a break for the front door, hoping it would lead them back to Sigil. Auren believed the Heart of Embril would be the gate key. Ladigo cast Wind at Back and the party rushed throught the halls.   When they got to the painted room, they saw devils running at them from down one of the corridors. But the party continued without stopping. Selia, however, cast Wall of Force to block the passage the devils came from. After running some more, the party came to the front door. Devils could be heard coming at them from down the hall. They thought of returning to Sigil, while Titta gripped the Heart of Embril. Then they opened the door. Instead of seeing outside the fortress, they could see the Park of the Infernal and the Divine. They quickly stepped throught doorway and found themselves in Sigil, Fortress Nessus nowhere in sight.   They decided to rest for the night in Sigil before going back to Embril. They walked back to the inn and found Thessalni waiting for them. They told her all about their adventure in Fortress Nessus and invited her to come see their world tomorrow. She agreed. The next morning, on June 26, 500 AV, they all went through the portal and arrived in Church.   Brother Lu quickly found them and welcomed them back. He took them to the meeting room where Asmodeus, God of Sin was waiting, looking upset. Brother Lu proclaimed that Haymin’s Heroes have done the impossible. Asmodeus asked how they could have entered his domain without his permission. Brother Lu told him through Sigl, and that if he had a problem with it, he could take it up with the Lady of Pain. Asmodeus cleared his throat and said that would not be necessary. But Asmodeus questioned how Brother Lu could lie to him in Church, calling him Brother Lucifer, Lord Satan.   Brother Lu said, “My child, there is no power in the multiverse that can prevent me from lying.”   Asmodeus claimed that he was cheated. It was not yet dusk on the third day and he could take the Heart of Embril by force. Brother Lu then snapped his fingers and they all found themselves inside an arena, with thousands of beings of all kinds in the crowd. Brother Lu was in a private box, looking down at them. Thessalni was sitting in the front row center. Asmodeus and Haymin’s Heroes stood facing each other in the center of the arena.   Brother Lu said, “Round one, fight!”
The Heart of Embril
Pyzar Zim
Auren Sylynn
Titta Morco
Mogi Delvin
Ladigo Farthon
Kyrie Eleison Thatcher-Stone
Selia Roselyn Maxwell
Report Date
14 Apr 2024


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