Session 148 Report Report in Embril | World Anvil

Session 148 Report

General Summary

Over the next couple days, Haymin’s Heroes show Thessalni around Rowadin, introducing her to some of their friends and taking her to the different taverns and inns. On June 29, 500 AV, they take her to Karavale to show her where they had gotten their start.   On July 1, 500 AV, Selia Roselyn Maxwell teleported the party to Golka, Zamilon after getting a reliable description of his home town from Auren SylynnAuren Sylynn . They did not stay in Golka long. They were seeking a map of Zamilon, focusing on Zamilon City, or a detailed description of the capital with which Selia could orient herself in order to use Greater Teleport to take the party there. At the mining guild they found the information they were seeking. Then they walked out of town so she could cast the spell.   They arrived outside of Zamilon City and started for the gate. The city rose up in five distinct tiers up the side of a mountain. They walked throught the gate and sought directions. Their path wound up the mountainside, going through each tier until they reached the Palace of the Emperor. It was grand structure, massive and imposing, built to accommodate large dragons.   A dragon guard outside questioned them. Titta Morco told him who they were and requested an audience with Razcaczar. The guard passed the message along and after a few minutes, an official came for them, allowing them into the palace. Haymin’s Heroes waited for about an hour in an immense waiting room. They were offered cheese, bread, and wine as they waited. The official checked on them regularly, eventually letting them know Razcaczar would see them now.   They were led into a massive throne room where Razcaczar awaited them with some dragon guards. The party recognized a couple of them they had met in West Andaria the year before, as well as Razcaczar’s advisor, Nothram Ellester. Nothram introduced them to the emperor and Titta immediately began discussing business. Once she mentioned the Golden Vault and the reason they were there, Razcaczar cleared the room of guards, as well as his advisor. The discussion continued with only himself and Haymin’s Heroes.   Titta told the dragon what they knew, that he was the owner of the Golden Vault and that they sought access to the Black Requiem’s vault in order to find the lich’s phylactery. Razcaczar told them he wanted the Ring of Acuity in return. Titta also requested a small vault, at no charge in perpetuity. Razcaczar agreed. He told the party that Merrywind had two vaults. One he possessed for several years. The other was approximately a year old. He would only open one of them. The choice of which was up to Haymin’s Heroes. They party talked it over and decided the newer one made the most sense. It was just over a year ago that Merrywind was eaten by the Great Beast in Clades’ Wrath.   Once the discussion was over, Razcaczar took them to the Golden Vault in the city. He transformed into his human form as he led them out of the throne room. His two personal dragon guards transformed into their human forms as well and accompanied them. As they walked throught he city, the crowds on the street parted to make way. The Golden Vault was located on the third tier of the city. Razcaczar took them inside and made the arrangements for their requested vault. Once he gave Titta the key, she opened the vault that contained the Heart of Embril and retrieved it. Then she moved the box and stone into the new vault and closed it. With that settled, Razcaczar opened the Black Requiem’s newer vault.   The party went inside and found a pedestal with a black adamantine box atop. The box was carved with skulls on all sides. It appeared identical to the fake phylactery they had found month ago. They detected magic and the box radiated strong necromancy. They did not open it. They were going to destroy it, but Pyzar Zim told them they would lose the element of surprise that way as the Black Requiem would know once his phylactery was destroyed. Instead, they took it with them and left the vault.   With their business complete, Razcaczar escorted them out of the building. They bid each other farewell and good luck. Auren promised to bring him the lich’s ashes when they finally killed him. Razcaczar and his dragon guards retook their original form and flew away, drawing gasps from nearby onlookers. Then Haymin’s Heroes walked through the tiers on their way out of the city.   Haymin’s Heroes teleported to West Andaria. They booked rooms in the Sleeping Wolf Inn. It was in front of this inn, over four years ago, where Haymin Stone had rescued them from Tenthell slavers. After checking in, they went shopping for a Rod of Cancellation, finding one at a nearby magic shop. Then they went to the Golden Vault in the city and went inside the empty party vault to discuss their next steps. They wanted to talk somewhere private where they would not be overheard, by either mundane or magical means.   The next morning, on July 2, 500 AV, they visited the Legacy Theater. However, it was not opened yet. They were still showing Lich’s Love, the last show they had seen there. Instead of waiting around there, they sought out one of the city’s slums. There they asked around for the Unseen, Auren taking the lead with his thieves’ guild experience. After a couple hours of investigating, they learned that the Unseen seemed to be laying low. However, in conversation, they had learned of recent activity in Traegoria Keep, an old keep dating back to the time of the Andarian Empire, located about fifty miles west of the city.   They spoke to a pair of city guards and asked them about Traegoria Keep. The party learned that it was recently purchased, but the guards did not know who the new owner was. The party went to the city’s records office and learned that Traegoria Keep was recently purchased by Idarin Black. Haymin’s Heroes decided to head towards Traegoria Keep that day.   With the help of Wind at Back cast by Ladigo Farthon, the party made great speed down the road. By evening they had travelled twenty miles and made it to the first rest stop along the road. They stayed the night there, renting a large room for the whole party. While they ate dinner, Selia noted a pair of doppelgangers in disguise at a table across the room. The party ignored them and went to their room immediately after dinner. They spent the rest of the night there.   On July 3, 500 AV, the party continued their journey. They passed the next rest stop after another twenty miles. Then about ten miles later they came to a road that led south. From the directions they had gotten, this should lead to Traegoria Keep. After a short walk, they came to the old fort. The outer wall was in disrepair and the area appeared deserted, though there were signs of recent travel along the road.   When they opened the gate to the outer wall, they saw an unusual sight. Beyond the gate it was dark. It reminded them of their time in Gloaming. All light was muted, dimmed by some unknown source. They entered the courtyard and walked to the keep itself. Titta opened the door and within, it was even darker without the sun to illuminate the gloom. They stepped inside and saw creatures in the darkness. There were two large walking corpses just inside, their bodies stitched together from varying parts. There were also four wicked ghoul-like creatures inside, with hunger in their eyes, ready to attack.
The Heart of Embril
Pyzar Zim
Auren Sylynn
Titta Morco
Mogi Delvin
Ladigo Farthon
Kyrie Eleison Thatcher-Stone
Selia Roselyn Maxwell
Report Date
29 Apr 2024


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