Session 26 Report Report in Embril | World Anvil

Session 26 Report

General Summary

Haymin’s Heroes decided to watch the ravine from a safe distance to see if any of the inhabitants of the caves interacted with the undead. In midafternoon, a group of four bugbears left their cave and headed out of the ravine. The undead approached them as they neared, but stopped as soon as one of the bugbears revealed an amulet and held it before him. The bugbears passed the undead without being disturbed and ventured into the forest.   Haymin’s Heroes then watched the bugbears, keeping a distance ahead of them until they found a suitable spot for an ambush. They attacked the unsuspecting bugbears and dispatched them quickly. Then they took the amulet. It was a holy symbol to the Eye, matching the symbol on Mogi Delvin’s ring. Haymin’s Heroes hid the bugbear bodies a distance away to the south and returned to the ravine.   They maneuvered their way to the second orc cave and Auren Sylynn entered while the others remained just outside the entrance. At the first intersection he looked for potential traps, but did not find any. His attention was somewhat diverted by the noise down the west corridor. He signaled the party and moved forward, inadvertently triggering a well concealed tripwire. A weighted net dropped from the ceiling and metal plates clanged loudly on the floor, alerting any orcs in the vicinity. Auren was trapped beneath the net. Pyzar Zim rushed in and cut Auren free while positioning himself along the western corridor. The rest of the party rushed in as well bracing for the oncoming orcs.   The first wave of orcs was handled relatively easily, though the party suffered some injuries. As they were finishing up with these orcs, a second wave came towards the intersection from the east corridor. Ladigo Farthon slowed them down with an Entangle spell but release it when the last orc of the first wave was defeated. They met at the intersection and in the course of the battle, Sinjin Fairchild attempted to tumble acrobatically through the melee. His attempt was unsuccessful and he ended up prone and grievously injured while laying at Titta Morco’s feet as she faced off against the orcs. Then, from the floor, Sinjin attempted this feat again. As he tried to roll through the orc in front of him, three orcs took advantage of his compromised position and stabbed him with their blades. Sinjin fell, unmoving. Auren attempted to give Sinjin a healing potion from behind Titta, but Sinjin lay lifeless and would not ingest the liquid. A few moments later, the remaining orcs were killed and Haymin’s Heroes came to the realization that Sinjin was dead.   After some discussion, they decided to take him back to Rowadin to see if they could persuade Lady Dyora Albyn to loan them the money to have him raised, realizing this would increase their debt to her. But before returning to Rowadin, they planned on staging a scene where it appeared the bugbears attacked the orcs. To do this they would find the hidden bugbear bodies and place them within the orc cave at the site of the battle. But before they left the cave they decided to finish exploring it.   There were no more orcs present down the other halls and rooms. But there was one corridor that came to a dead end after a long stretch so they searched it for a secret door. While Auren searched, Titta and Pyzar began prepping the scene by using the morningstars they took from the fallen bugbears to leave wounds on the dead orcs. After Auren found the secret door, they party entered a room containing a single treasure chest. Auren picked the lock and they found some coins, gems, potions, and a scroll containing the Fireball spell.   While in this room they heard voices the other side of one of the walls. Auren found a secret door there as well. In this new room was the orc chieftain with a female orc laying on a bed of furs. The orcs were caught by surprise and ended quickly. They found the chieftain’ scimitar to be magical and Titta claimed it, while Mogi took his chain shirt.   Since they had gone this far, they decided they had to finish the remaining orcs. The chieftain’s body would be found sooner rather than later. They continued beyond the chieftain’s room and eventually found a common room with a dozen orcs inside. This battle was considerably more difficult than the previous ones had been, and though none of the party were killed, several were injured. Mogi fell unconscious when he was surrounded by five orcs. And the rest of them blocked the remaining members of the party from getting through to him. Selia Roselyn Maxwell used the Fireball scroll, which helped turn the tide of the battle. Then, as they were finishing these orcs, another wave came from behind. A well placed Entangle from Ladigo slowed them down long enough to defeat the first wave, heal, and regroup.   Eventually, all the orcs were defeated. Haymin’s Heroes found the other cave entrance and finished searching out the orc lair before considering their next course of action.
The Heart of Embril
Pyzar Zim
Auren Sylynn
Titta Morco
Mogi Delvin
Ladigo Farthon
Selia Roselyn Maxwell
Sinjin Fairchild
Report Date
11 Nov 2020


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