Session 39 Report Report in Embril | World Anvil

Session 39 Report

General Summary

The mineshaft descended to an intersection that branched off in numerous directions. Voices could be heard echoing down the passages from most of these, the loudest from two. From one of these, a pair of bandits came along, caught off guard when they saw the adventurers. Haymin’s Heroes dealt with them quickly and stowed the bodies in a corner, in as natural a position as they could to suggest that they may only be drunken and asleep. Then they followed the passage from which the bandits came.   As the tunnel split again, they chose the quieter of two paths, hoping to pick off a smaller group without alerting the majority of the bandits. However, one of the Jackals cried out for help when confronted, so Haymin’s Heroes’ attention became split between this small group of three and the majority of the bandit gang coming from the another tunnel. Ladigo Farthon went down the narrow passage that led to a large common area with some tables where several bandits were reacting to the alert. He immediately cast Entangle, slowing this group down. Titta Morco and Fisher followed him to confront these bandits. Auren Sylynn, Sinjin Fairchild, and Pyzar Zim engaged the three that had sounded the alarm. Selia Roselyn Maxwell watched the path they had originally come from in case any bandits came from behind. Mogi Delvin stood at this intersection as well and summoned an earth elemental to aid in the larger room while backing up Selia as bandits indeed came at them from behind.   With many of the Jackals struggling through the Entangle, the adventurers were able to pick them off as they escaped the tangle of vines. Blaken, the Blade, the leader of the Jackals deftly escaped the Entangle and rushed forward to attack. Bria Carver yelled out from the larger cavern ordering the bandits to kill the adventurers. Though shocked at Bria’s betrayal, Titta instructed Haymin’s Heroes to leave the girl alive. Funneled into a narrow path, Blaken had to fight Titta, Fisher, Ladigo, Pennig, and the earth elemental alone as they surrounded him. The bandit leader was cut down quickly and Bria cried out in despair. She fought through the Entangle to take his place struggling to hold her footing where three of her allies had already fallen. Titta knocked her out with the butt of her scimitar.   Haymin’s Heroes cleaned up the rest of the Jackals, preventing any from escaping. In the end, three men were alive, having surrendered or otherwise been incapacitated, plus Bria. They were tied up and taken to a corner of the large cavern. But as Haymin’s Heroes questioned them, the water from the pool at the end of the room began to bubble and two amorphous blobs of flesh covered in mouths and eyes emerged.   They gibbered incessantly, an unnerving sound that grinded on the mind. Only Selia, Ladigo, and Mogi were spared the effects. The minds of all the rest were not clear as their actions became sporadic and unpredictable. Ultimately, Haymin’s Heroes prevailed, but it was a struggle. Most of the party randomly either attacked the nearest creature in sight, friend or foe, ran away, or babbled incoherently. Whenever any of them managed to attack the creatures, they found that their blades were rather ineffective. A slew of Magic Missiles as well as Sinjin’s unarmed strikes proved to be the most effective.   One of the creatures slithered back into the water and swam away, while the other was killed, but not before it completely engulfed one of the captures Jackals and killed him as a dozen mouths ate him alive while trapped within the blob-like form.   Haymin’s Heroes regrouped, gathered all the loot they could find, and left the mines, preferring to sleep outside, away from whatever those creatures were in the water. When they went outside, Pyzar noticed the displacer beasts above them atop of the mineshaft entrance. Titta told the displacer beasts there was plenty of food inside, but beware the creature in the water. Pyzar added that the pigs, sheep, and horses outside were off limits. The displacer beasts nodded amongst themselves, but said nothing. They slipped into the mine after the party and their captives walked away. That night, those on watch would occasionally see a pair of feline eyes watching them from the cave entrance. Ultimately, the displacer beasts did not bother them, though.   It was late afternoon on June 17, 498 AV when they returned to Greendell. There was an excitement in the small village at their return and the return of the livestock, as well as some confusion when they saw Bria Carver, the mayor’s daughter, tied up and forced to walk in a line with the other Jackals. Mayor Holmen Carver objected to this and demanded answers. Haymin’s Heroes tried explaining to him and the villagers how Bria was in league with the Jackals, but her father was in denial, refusing to believe any of this talk. The village seemed split on the subject at first. Bria tried turning this on the adventurers, claiming she was being mistreated and had only been pretending to save herself.   The mayor took her to their home, but Titta accompanied them, trying to reason with him. The rest of the party stayed with the villagers, explaining their side to all of this. Most of the village became incensed. They called for justice against Bria Carver and it seemed a small mob was forming. Selia used her magic to appear like Blaken, the Blade, and went to the mayor’s house. Mayor Carver had just ushered Titta out the door as the fake Blaken arrived. Afraid and confused, he ran inside. A scene played out where “Blaken” killed Titta and called for Bria to come to him. Confused, the girl did so, ultimately believing the ruse. She grabbed hold of Selia’s disguised hand and tried to run off with what she believed was her lover, still alive and recovered somehow. Then Selia dropped the Alter Self spell and reverted to her true form.   Stones came flying in Bria’s direction, one striking her in the side of the head. Titta stood up quickly and ushered the girl inside once again. Then Haymin’s Heroes calmed the mob. In the end, the other two bandits were let go, and warned never to return to Greendell. Bria was left in the care of her parents while the village decided how to punish her. Mayor Holmen Carver seemed unwilling to make any decision and Al Bonakar stepped forward to take the lead for the villagers. In the coming days, a decision would be made, and it seemed likely that Holmen Carver would be forced to step down and Al Bonakar would succeed him as Greendell’s mayor.   Haymin’s Heroes only stayed the night, and left the next morning. The villagers thanked them, provided them with food and the shelter of a barn for the night, then saw them off. With the new horses they had acquired, the adventurers, with Patch, made it back to Rowadin just before evening on June 19, 498 AV.   They were greeted by Belpher Burrows who was happy to see them. They introduced him to Patch, informing him he would have a helper now. Belpher seemed pleased at the addition and looked forward to showing him around Rowadin. He handed Mogi a letter that had arrived for him from Astri. At dinner, Mogi revealed that Astri was pregnant. Plans were then made to journey to Karavale tomorrow and see about bringing her back with them to Rowadin to live at Heroes for Hire.   Mogi also noted that her letter said, “P.S. If you see her, tell Jenivar that we all say hi and that we miss her. This prompted a discussion of Jenivar Albyn’s whereabouts and speculation that she was indeed the leader of the Black Glove Society. Auren assured them, as far as he knew, the leader was Jaylon Blalock.
The Heart of Embril
Pyzar Zim
Auren Sylynn
Titta Morco
Mogi Delvin
Ladigo Farthon
Selia Roselyn Maxwell
Sinjin Fairchild
Report Date
15 Feb 2021


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