Session 4 Report Report in Embril | World Anvil

Session 4 Report

General Summary

After much discussion, Haymin’s Heroes practiced sparring with each other before getting some rest. They then came down to dinner and waited for it to become fully dark before setting out. They left town through the south road, looping around through the surrounding forest to the east and north coming up to the cemetery from the northeast corner. They hopped the short wall and made for the central mausoleum. From there, they would wait, spread around it, watching all sides for an intruder into the cemetery. Hours passed and sometime shortly after midnight, they saw a figure in the darkness approach the untouched mausoleum from around the rear. Titta Morco made a soft whistle to get everyone’s attention, but in the dead silence of the cemetery, it inadvertently drew the attention of the intruder. He then ran around to the other side of the mausoleum, once again out of their view.   The party began gathering together when suddenly the horrific form of a ghoul came walking their way, moaning and grumbling. As they had discussed earlier, Auren Sylynn and Ladigo Farthon immediately began running for help. Titta, however, held her ground, claiming it was only one. The rest stayed with her, though with some skepticism. The ghoul came at them and swiped a clawed hand towards Sinjin Fairchild, thankfully missing him. Then Titta swung with her wooden practice sword and, to her surprise, the sword passed right through the creature. She began thinking it was an illusion and voiced her opinion. Pyzar Zim stepped to the ghoul and his quarterstaff passed through it as well. Then he declared, “It is an illusion. I can see right through it.”   Mogi Delvin ran towards the Guentaro mausoleum, recognizing a young wizard who was at the Home Away From Home the night before, Galen Palos. Sinjin ran over as well, and the rest followed, now ignoring the ghoulish illusion before it disappeared altogether. Even Auren, who was carrying Ladigo turned back and started running to rejoin the group.   Galen turned and ran towards the perimeter wall, and the others gave chase. They drew upon him ready to grab hold of him before he could attempt to leap over. But then Galen produced some colorful sand in one hand and began casting a spell. Before he could complete it, Sinjin struck him with a powerful punch in the jaw. Then the wizard struck the floor unconscious.   The party tied him up before Titta woke him. On his person they found a bag containing what appeared to be valuable jewelry, possible family heirlooms. In questioning him, they learned that he was robbing crypts to earn enough money to support his wizarding ventures. He tried to appeal to the party, telling them how difficult it was for a beginning wizard. But the youths had no sympathy for his criminal ways and took him into town and into the custody of the city watch.   The next morning, the party went to see Captain Brice who lectured them on the potential dangers of their interference in dangerous matters while also thanking them for their efforts. They then went for a swim in the lake and to do some fishing. After they returned to the Home Away From Home, Jenivar Albyn chastised them for their meddling after being in town only one day. She told them how lucky they were it was not a real ghoul. She also told them they were requested at the Hall of the Triumvirate Council.   The youths went to the council hall and met with the town leaders. The councilmembers thanked them on behalf of the five families who owned the mausoleums, two of which belonged to families of the councilmen. They even gave Haymin’s Heroes a reward of 50 crowns.   From there, they went to the Stag Fine Inn and Tavern, owned by Bozian Guentaro. He thanked them as well for protecting his family’s crypt and offered them rooms at his inn whenever they needed as well as meals. He even invited them to dinner at the inn that night, to which the party agreed.   Next, Haymin’s Heroes visited Quelkin’s Apothecary, Alchemist, Component and Reagent Vendor. They met Quelkin Braze, the owner, and talked with him at length about magic, components, alchemy, and the like. They learned the Galen had shopped there for components and identified some of his components as those used in illusion spells, such as the wool Galen had admitted acquiring from a local farmer’s sheep. After talking some more, Quelkin agreed to contact the party the next time he needed plants and herbs collected for components. He told them how he hires people to seek them out at the edges of the High Hills. Haymin’s Heroes seemed very welcoming to the idea of doing this, and Quelkin mentioned that he typically pays well for the right plants.
The Heart of Embril
Pyzar Zim
Auren Sylynn
Titta Morco
Mogi Delvin
Ladigo Farthon
Selia Roselyn Maxwell
Sinjin Fairchild
Player Journals
It was a dark and spooky night... by Titta Morco
Report Date
18 May 2020


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