Session 49 Report Report in Embril | World Anvil

Session 49 Report

General Summary

Mogi Delvin cast Fireball at one of the briarvexes, singeing the creature with the flames. Selia Roselyn Maxwell followed suit, then Mogi finished it off with a third Fireball. Titta Morco and Fisher worked their way through the Entangle effect towards the other briarvex and attacked it. The briarvex struck the grizzly bear with a spiky fist and the thorns broke off and bored their way into Fisher’s flesh, causing him great pain. Pennig attacked this briarvex as well and between them, they took it down.   With the battle over, they turned their attention to the forest fire that was beginning to spread from the multiple Fireballs. But Titta dealt with it quickly, using the Decanter of Endless Water to soak the area with a geyser spray. With that done, Auren Sylynn examined the bodies. The majority of them had nothing of value upon them. They were half-eaten and decomposing. The orc’s body was still fresh though, and he found some coins on his person, as well as a key and a map of the area. The map showed the High Hills, depicting landmarks, dangerous areas, and rival tribes. Additionally, it would prove useful in finding the Flametongue tribe’s stronghold.   That evening, during their watches, when Titta and Pyzar Zim woke Mogi and Selia for their turn, Mogi claimed to have spoken to Viribus, God of Valor. He said the deity came to him in a dream and asked him to swear an oath to him. When Mogi awoke, he was clutching a parchment scroll bearing Viribus’ dogma. In the morning of September 18, 498 AV, they discussed this some, wondering what it meant. But the majority of the day’s conversation was dominated by the fact that they were likely soon to face a red dragon.   Their travel was much quicker today. Ladigo Farthon cast Easy Trail, making the undergrowth bend away from them as they passed. That, coupled with Lively Step from Selia, and the party doubled the previous day’s speed through the heavily forested High Hills.   Along the way, they were attacked by four trolls. The animals were alerted to the presence of the foul creatures when they sensed their scent on the wind. The trolls rushed in without any regard for their safety. A pair of Fireballs from Mogi and Selia weakened them considerably while the rest of the party attacked with their weapons. The trolls regenerated their wounds, except those caused by the fire or by acid. When they were down, their bodies continued to regenerate until they were finished off with decapitating blows. Even then, one of the trolls continued to regenerate, requiring another killing blow.   The next day, Haymin’s Heroes were attacked by three wyverns. Ladigo luckily heard the creatures’ on the wind and turned to see them before being ambushed. He cast Downdraft, catching all three. The wyverns were thrust to the ground by the magical wind. They never took flight again. Fireballs blasted them from Selia and Mogi while the rest of the party rushed forward with their weapons. One of the wyverns, however, managed to sting Pennig, infecting him with its poison. The dire wolf became very sick as a result, but Ladigo’s restorative magic healed him the next morning.   On September 20, 498 AV, the party reached the Flametongue stronghold. It was a fort built along the base of a hill. The hill had been carved all around the base to form steep walls to discourage climbing. A tall wooden fence was erected around the settlement. Several huts dotted the settlement and an opening in the back, at the base of the hill, led underground. Dozens of orcs could be seen, many of them warriors, though plenty were also women and children. All around the outer walls, the forest had been cut down for at least one-hundred feet. Scorch marks could be seen here and there as well.   Haymin’s Heroes hid behind the tree line and watched the stronghold. They discussed and debated several strategies and plans for how to approach the dilemma of taking on a fortress full of orcs, plus the dragon. Ladigo surveilled the scene as an eagle, flying up above the hill. He found an opening high up surrounded by tall rocks, a spot very difficult to climb. From this he could see waves of heat. The opening led deep into the hill. He surmised this might lead to Raknakeen’s lair. After returning and informing the party of what he saw, Selia cast Invisibility on Ladigo so he could scout out the orc stronghold.   He flew over the wall while invisible and entered the underground compound at the base of the hill. He found a complex of worked stone with several passages branching off. Orcs could be heard from all directions, and a few could be seen down long corridors. He heard the sounds of pickaxes mining in the distance, as well as the sound of hammering upon an anvil in a different direction. He did not risk venturing too far inside and returned to the party before the Invisibility wore off.
The Heart of Embril
Pyzar Zim
Auren Sylynn
Titta Morco
Mogi Delvin
Ladigo Farthon
Selia Roselyn Maxwell
Report Date
03 May 2021


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