Session 7 Report Report in Embril | World Anvil

Session 7 Report

General Summary

On the 30th of April, Selia Roselyn Maxwell found a surprise waiting for her at the Home Away From Home. Haymin’s Heores had just returned from an exploratory walk around the outskirts of town, sightseeing through some of the farmland and visiting the village of Greenstone, to find soldiers bearing insignia from South Durman waiting outside the Home Away From Home. Inside the inn, Selia’s father, Elijah Maxwell II was speaking with Jenivar Albyn and Captain Brice in a private room.   After a warm reunion between father and daughter, Selia introduced her father to her new friends. A long conversation followed in which her father offered to take her back home. Selia, however, admitted to her father her desire to remain in Karavale with her friends and pursue a career in adventuring. Despite her father’s mild shock, he acquiesced, respecting her desire to follow her own path. In the end, her father paid for Selia's stay through the rest of the year, including food. Jenivar informed Selia that she did not have to work if she did not want to, but Selia did not wish to be treated any differently. However, her coworkers began to call her Lady Selia from time to time in jest.   The next morning a letter was found at the bar that read, “This is your last warning. The Shadow.” Gellir mentioned he had one customer earlier sitting at the bar who had just come in for a drink. He described him as black haired, also noting he was not someone he recognized. For the next several days, Haymin’s Heroes speculated at which form the thieves’ guild’s strike would come. Potential plots ranged from setting the inn on fire to attempting to poison their ale supply.   On May 7, 496 AV, Karavale celebrated the Festival of Flowers. Maidens all over town were gifted flowers to wear in their hair from young men or from clergy of the temple of Vita, Goddess of Life. The party visited the park that afternoon and spoke to the druid, Borbis West, whom they had spoken to during Nature’s Blessing the month before. In the evening, a dancefloor was cleared at the Home Away From Home to continue the merriment. Several of the party enjoyed taking part in the dances.   On the night of May 14, 496 AV, Mogi Delvin saw a perpetrator approach the inn from the rear. He had Selia wake the others while he ran downstairs. When he reached the backdoor, he found a fire had been set at a corner of the building. He began putting it out immediately with water from the nearby well. The others came down momentarily and helped him in this task. Titta Morco could not find any tracks suggesting which way the perpetrator fled, but she did take a sample of wood from the wall which seemed like it had a chemical residue. The next morning, they had Quelkin, the apothecary test it. He informed the party that the residue suggested the use of alchemist fire.   Titta repeatedly expressed a desire to venture to the ruins of Fairhaven, which centuries ago had been an Andarian town. Locals claim that the ruins of Fairhaven are haunted, reporting that strange noises are often heard from within. The party speculated that this “haunting” could be a ruse to keep people away, possibly set up by the thieves’ guild. Before she could convince them all to go, however, Pyzar Zim suggested that they all be armed. This led them to buy a scimitar for Titta so that she would have a melee weapon to go with her bow. Then they spent a couple days practicing with her new weapon so she could get somewhat familiar with it.   In midafternoon on May 22, 496 AV, as they were practicing just south of town, a boy by the name of David came to them pleading for help. He informed them that a friend of his by the name of Yavin had been gone too long after setting off on a dare from the Gray Wolves. Yavin was to go to Fairhaven, enter the ruins to a park in the center, then come back to town. David told them the boy left at dawn, but had not yet been back. He should have been back by noon. David told them how he did not want to involve the authorities, or their parents, as they have been expressly forbidden from venturing to Fairhaven. He also cited how Haymin’s Heroes had stood up to the Gray Wolves before.   Haymin’s Heroes agreed and set off for Fairhaven, looking for Yavin.
The Heart of Embril
Pyzar Zim
Auren Sylynn
Titta Morco
Mogi Delvin
Ladigo Farthon
Selia Roselyn Maxwell
Sinjin Fairchild
Report Date
21 Jun 2020


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