Session 8 Report Report in Embril | World Anvil

Session 8 Report

General Summary

About halfway to Fairhaven, Haymin’s Heroes heard a rustling from the bushes just east of the road. When Titta Morco went in investigate, a creature that appeared to be a mix between a bat and a mosquito flew out of the bushes and attacked her. The sturge, as they later learned the creature was called, thrust its proboscis into her neck while latching on to her with eight legs. Between Selia Roselyn Maxwell and Pyzar Zim, they grabbed hold of the creature and crushed it with their hands, a messy, but effective solution. Two more sturges came out of the bushes and attacked. Ladigo Farthon grabbed hold of one while Auren Sylynn helped him finish it off. Sinjin Fairchild and Mogi Delvin finished off the other, the former striking it with his fist just before the latter swatted it away with his longsword. While the others battled the sturges, Titta yanked the limp one from her neck and threw it into the bushes.   A quick stop at the lake to their west followed so they could clean up. Titta put a mud poultice on her neck to cover up the reddened and swollen lump that had formed where the sturge had stung her. Shortly thereafter, Haymin’s Heroes continued on the road towards Fairhaven.   When they reached the ruined city, they began hearing the sounds of a calling voice in the distance, somewhere to the north. They cautiously followed the sound until a badly injured hobgoblin, covered in blood and with an arm in a makeshift sling, came out of a mostly intact building. For a few seconds there was a standoff between this hobgoblin and the party. He began backing away slowly, but Titta began speaking to him, motioning for him to wait. It was clear that he did not really speak Andarian, but he managed to mouth, “Awwrrks.”   After some discussion, Ladigo healed the hobgoblin with his Amulet of Healing. Though it did not fix the creature’s arm, it mended the surface wounds. The hobgoblin then said, “Thangku.”   They learned his name was Lakrog before he ran out of the city, again warning them of the presence of orcs through broken Andarian and expressive gestures. Haymin’s Heroes then continued after the sound of the calling voice.   Eventually, they reached a doorway to stairs leading down to a cellar. The voice called out for help from within. Underneath a toppled ruin, the party descended into the basement and searched through a few branching corridors and rooms whose original purpose had been forgotten with time. Ultimately they reached a large room with its ceiling supported by four columns. When they entered the room, the Gray Wolves came out from behind the columns. The calling voice of Yavin spoke out from a pit in the center.   The parties exchanged a few words, mainly threats from the Gray Wolves who were looking for a fight. Then Skint threw a punch at Titta and the brawl began. Two members from each group were felled by knockout punches before the sounds of orcs could be heard entering the complex from the distant stairway. The Gray Wolves frantically awoke their fallen comrades, Skint and Talia, and then ran away through a corridor at the end of the room. Haymin’s Heroes revived Sinjin and Ladigo and helped Yavin out of the pit. Then they followed through the same corridor the Gray Wolves exited.   They did their best to evade the chase of the orcs, climbing up a ladder that led above ground, then running for the woods. For almost an hour they avoided capture. Then, when they felt they were safe, they got back on the road for easier travel back to Karavale. That was when six orcs came out of the forest and surrounded them.   Sinjin grabbed Ladigo and carried him away down the road in an attempt to flee. But Auren charged the nearest orc, slashing at him with his kukri, unfortunately missing his target. Then Titta charged as well, swinging her new scimitar. Her blade struck the orc down. Pyzar followed, attacking the next orc, dropping it with a brutal strike of his quarterstaff. On the other side of the road, Mogi dispatched another orc with his longsword before one of its allies felled him with a slash of its falchion. Selia stayed with Yavin until the youth fled down the road in fear. Before she could follow him, however, the slash of an orc weapon across her chest dropped her, leaving a gaping wound. Continuing the charge, the rest of the party defeated the remaining three orcs through a combination of determination and reckless abandon. Then Ladigo used his amulet to revive Mogi and Selia. The amulet’s magic healed Mogi completely. Selia, however, was conscious but still wounded after its healing magic.   Victorious and full of adrenaline, Haymin’s Heroes hurried back to Karavale with Yavin. There, they went straight to the City Watch Headquarters to report what had transpired at the ruins of Fairhaven and the presence of orcs in the vicinity. Then they took Yavin back home before they went to the Home Away From Home for a much needed meal.   When Jenivar Albyn found out what they had been through, she took Selia into her apartment to see her wound. She made Selia take a healing potion to ensure the wound did not scar. The potion eliminated all traces of the laceration across her chest.   During the next week, things settled back to normal as their work week began. They sold the weapons they looted off of the orcs they defeated and made a hefty profit. In the next few days, they learned the Gray Wolves had made it back to town and had been spoken to by the authorities. But they did not see them around town at all.   On the evening of the 31st of May, as Haymin’s Heroes continued their overnight vigil on the back of the Home Away From Home for any signs of foul play, Ladigo and Sinjin witnessed a shadowy figure approach the back of the inn, heading straight for the door leading to Jenivar’s apartment…
The Heart of Embril
Pyzar Zim
Auren Sylynn
Titta Morco
Mogi Delvin
Ladigo Farthon
Selia Roselyn Maxwell
Sinjin Fairchild
Report Date
05 Jul 2020


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