Session 82 Report Report in Embril | World Anvil

Session 82 Report

General Summary

Haymin’s Heroes snuck through the grounds, protected by Hide from Undead and Pass Without Trace. They did their best to avoid most of the worgs in the woods, but were ultimately noticed by two. They hid as the worgs came closer to investigate and then sprung their surprise attack. Thankfully, it was only two worgs and the beasts were defeated easily without attracting any more attention.   Soon after, the party had emerged from the wooded area with the inner grounds before them. There was a hedge maze to the west and a garden to the east. The manor sat farther north at the end of the cobblestone path with a stable just the other side. They noticed a ghostly figure sitting on a bench in the garden, facing a life sized statue of a warrior on horseback. The party tried to sneak past without drawing the ghost’s attention, but before they got too far, he stood and turned while waving them over.   The ghost was named Torm Gregoro and he had a proposition for Haymin’s Heroes. He told them he could help them sneak into the manor if they would promise to destroy one vampire in particular. This vampire was Karlene Brennick, his former fiancée. It pained him to see her as a vampire, turned into a monster by the cruel bite of a vampire named Morlat. Torm did not care whether they killed Morlat or not, as long as Karlene’s curse was ended.   Haymin’s Heroes agreed and Torm showed them a hidden passage beneath the statue. The statue was of Prince Xanthus Vasile riding Ashenmane, his nightmare mount. They opened the passage and descended down the tunnel, which Torm told them would lead to the vampires’ coffin chambers beneath the manor. They emerged from the tunnel up a spiral staircase into a simple room with three doors. Two of them led to general coffin chambers while the third led to Xanthus Vasile’s personal chamber. They opened all the coffins, but none of the vampires were found sleeping. Torm had warned them that the manor was on alert for potential intruders, particularly them. Before climbing the staircase into the manor proper, they found a secret treasure chamber. They looted everything before preparing to venture onward.   At the base of the stairs, they prepared for their attack. Kyrie Eleison Thatcher-Stone and Ladigo Farthon cast Death Ward on everyone and they began up the stairs. At the top, Pyzar Zim opened the secret door and they climbed up.   The stairs led to a main central chamber with two long hallways leading to separate wings and a pair of doors exiting in the other directions. Eight vampires were waiting in this chamber as were two necropolitan guards. Pyzar was the first up the stairs, quickly followed by Titta Morco. The vampires moved quickly and surrounded them, backing them up against the stairs. Pyzar’s silver greatsword was enhanced by Kyrie using an Undead Bane Weapon spell, causing it to cut through the vampires just like it would against any mortal. Though the others did not have magic silvered weapons, they did as much damage as they could versus the vampires. As Pyzar killed the necropolitans and moved on to the vampires, it created space for the others to join beside him.   Selia Roselyn Maxwell used her Winged Boots to fly up the stair and beyond the vampires. One of them climbed up the stairs behind her and tried to reach her, but she blasted it with Scorching Ray until it was defeated and turned into gas. Mogi Delvin climbed up the stairs to where he could see and cast Mass Snake’s Swiftness. Then Ladigo used Dimension Door as a blink dog to reach the room and cast a Mass Snake’s Swiftness of his own. With the extra attacks granted by the spells, they were able to cut down the remaining vampires. All of them descended the stairs as clouds of gas, seeking out their coffins so they could recover.   Haymin’s Heroes knew they had to act fast and kill the remaining vampires while their Death Wards were still active. That defensive spell was saving them from the life draining attacks of the vampires. They also knew they had some time before they had to reach the coffins to stake the regenerating vampires. If they completed their mission quick enough, the vampires in the coffins would be helpless against them.   They opened a large double door on the east wall. This opened into a throne room. There were only five vampires in this room. Haymin’s Heroes were surprised not to find Xanthus Vasile here as well. Then suddenly, the prince materialized as he came through a wall next to them, riding the nightmare. He rode behind the party in the main hall and attacked Selia, inflicting a significant wound. Ashenmane snorted out a cloud of noxious black smoke that caught a few in front of him, making it difficult to see and breathe.   Kyrie reacted by stepping toward the throne room and brandishing her holy symbol. She enhanced her turn undead ability with double power and called upon the might of Viribus, God of Valor. Four of the vampires were destroyed instantly. Titta stepped towards the remaining one and attacked, telling Pyzar to go after Xanthus Vasile. Auren Sylynn attacked Ashenmane first, cutting the nightmare open and wounding it severely. Then Fisher finished it off and backed away from the vampire as Xanthus landed on his feet over his dead mount. This opened up a space for Pyzar who stepped to Xanthus Vasile and attacked. Selia cast Dimension Door and teleported away from the combat as she reached for a healing potion. Then Ladigo and Mogi cast Mass Snake’s Swiftness again. Xanthus Vasile could not withstand the onslaught of blades against him and he joined the other vampires as gaseous clouds fleeing below to their coffins.
The Heart of Embril
Pyzar Zim
Auren Sylynn
Titta Morco
Mogi Delvin
Ladigo Farthon
Kyrie Eleison Thatcher-Stone
Selia Roselyn Maxwell
Report Date
29 Mar 2022


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