Session 83 Report Report in Embril | World Anvil

Session 83 Report

General Summary

The party quickly began to regroup and look down the northern corridor. More vampires and necropolitans started coming from a door near the end of the hall. Some of the vampires rushed forward and attacked Mogi Delvin who stood closest. One of them called out behind them warning the others that the party was “death warded.” Selia Roselyn Maxwell hurled a Fireball down the hall to catch those still in the rear. As Mogi stepped back, Auren Sylynn and Pyzar Zim rushed forward to engage the closest vampires. One of these vampires was Karlene Brennick. When she fell, Torm, the ghost, appeared and told them that was her. Then Kyrie Eleison Thatcher-Stone warned him to get away quickly and the ghost floated down through the floor.   As they cleared a path through the vampire, Auren ran forward to place himself within reach of four of the necropolitan guards. Then he used his Transposer Cloak to switch places with Pyzar. Pyzar cut down all four of them in an arching blow, as they had all been wounded previously from the Fireball.   Through another door towards the end of the hall, more undead came out. There were skeletons, zombies, and necropolitans. A necropolitan wizard emerged and cast a spell which caught all of Haymin’s Heroes in a wave of black necrotic energy. But thanks to the Death Wards, they were not harmed. This wizard then called out to Sarothane to warn him of their protective magic. A moment later, the man the party thought was Norat Shae emerged from the doorway. He cast flew up toward the ceiling and cast a Globe of Invulnerability around himself.   Kyrie stepped toward the hallway and held forth her holy symbol, channeling Viribus, God of Valor’s divine energy. All the skeletons, zombies and necropolitan guards were destroyed immediately. At this point, only Sarothane and Galthax, the necropolitan wizard remained. Galthax was cut down as Haymin’s Heroes pressed the attack. Then Selia cast Greater Dispel Magic on Sarothane. Most of his protective magics were dispelled, and he came floating down to the floor when his Fly spell ceased to function. Facing the party at eye level, Sarothane retreated and cast Teleport, vanishing away.   The party opened the doors down this cooridor to quickly search for more vampires while their Death Wards were still active. When Titta Morco looked into one of the rooms at the end of the hall, he heard someone behind a door in the wizard’s lab. The sound of casting could be heard and then the familiar pop of a Teleport spell. She rushed in and found a wizard’s bedroom, with a chest left wide open. There were no more enemies in the north wing. They found a library, a gallery, some bedrooms, and Xanthus Vasile’s office. In the gallery, there was a painting entitled, “the Family.” It depicted five vampires, four men and one woman. Among them were Xanthus Vasile and Bram Invictus. There was also a portrait and a bust of Bram Invictus in the room, which made it easy for the party to identify him.   They decided to go up the stairs instead of proceeding to the south wing. Mogi argued that if there were other vampires in the south wing, they would have surely heard the sound of battle and come to engage them. Upstairs they found a landing with four doors. They opened up to a terrace overlooking the front of the manor, a large bedroom, and the large chamber containing the Mist Walker Machine. But guarding the machine was the Shadow Wolves. A few of the Shadow Wolves caught them at the door and formed a line, preventing Haymin’s Heroes from entering and engaging the spellcasters at the back of the room. Then Moxley cast Silence. The entire landing was caught in a silent bubble, except for the very corners of the room. Now most of Haymin’s Heroes could not cast the spells they were planning on using.   Pyzar cut down the vampires at the door and opened up a path. Mogi ran into the room and out of the Silence, which allowed him to cast Orb of Fire at Moxley. Then Ladigo Farthon, in the form of a blink dog, used Dimension Door to enter the room and cast spells. The battle had quickly turned in the favor of Haymin’s Heroes and they brought down the remaining Shadow Wolves.   Afterwards, they checked the last door upstairs and found a chapel to Mortem, God of Death. Then they went back downstairs to check the south wing. Torm appeared and told them there were no more enemies inside the manor. However, there were some prisoners in the kitchen. Haymin’s Heroes searched the south wing and found two young women and one young man chained to the wall in a large room at the end of the dining area. All three of them possessed bit marks in various places on their bodies, but they were still alive. The party freed them and offered food and water.   After the rescued prisoners were stable, they went downstairs to the coffin chambers. Starting with Xanthus Vasile, they staked all of the vampires as they regenerated in their coffins. Only when they were done, did they search through the entire manor for any treasures they may find. Once they were finished, they decided to check the stable for a cart with which they could transport the vampire cadavers to the river to submerge them in running water and destroy them for good.   But when Haymin’s Heroes walked outside the manor, they came face to face with Bram Invictus.
The Heart of Embril
Pyzar Zim
Auren Sylynn
Titta Morco
Mogi Delvin
Ladigo Farthon
Kyrie Eleison Thatcher-Stone
Selia Roselyn Maxwell
Report Date
05 Apr 2022


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