Session 9 Report Report in Embril | World Anvil

Session 9 Report

General Summary

Ladigo Farthon ran across the hallway to wake up Titta Morco and Selia Roselyn Maxwell while Sinjin Fairchild sped down the hall on his way downstairs. Ladigo then went to the other room to wake Mogi Delvin, Auren Sylynn, and Pyzar Zim. Sinjin bolted out the front door of the inn and decided to run around the building to the back while Titta climbed down the rope they had set up in the bedroom from which they acted as sentries. She reached the ground behind the inn as Sinjin was running up to the backdoor.   Titta found the door to the apartment open and ran inside to find Jenivar Albyn standing over the fallen form of her intruder, holding a sap in her hand. Sinjin, seeing the situation inside was under control ran to the City Watch Headquarters across the street from the Home Away From Home to inform the authorities. After a few moments, the rest of group made it to the other door of the apartment, finding it locked, but Titta soon let them.   Jenivar produced a rope with which to bind the intruder and Titta began questioning him. However, the perpetrator remained silent and defiant. They gathered his fallen shortsword and a set of thieves’ tools and handed them over to the guards when they arrived with Sinjin. Jenivar informed them how she had been awoken by the urgent noise upstairs which allowed her to hear the intruder attempting to sneak into her bedroom. Then she hit him on the back of the head with the sap as he opened the door and peeked inside.   The next day, the party learned that the prisoner would still not talk. After his shift, Gellir went to the Watch to attempt to identify him, but this intruder was not the same man whom he had seen on the day the note was left on the counter of the bar.   On Sunday, June 4, 496 AV, after their workweek was over, Jenivar approached Haymin’s Heroes with a job. Mrs. Torden, Wynvar’s mother, needed some help clearing out a rat infestation in her cellar. The party accepted and went to see Mrs. Torden after breakfast. The sweet old lady welcomed them into her home and offered them tea and cookies, then proceeded to converse with them, telling them about her daughters and her grandchildren. Eventually, Sinjin interjected and asked to see the cellar, and Mrs. Torden led them to it.   In the cellar, the party found ten large, and particularly aggressive, rats. They killed half the rats while taking some significant bite wounds. However, five of the rats each ran under the same shelving unit along one wall. Behind this unit, they found a hole through which the rats had escaped. Sticking a torch through this hole, they noticed that there was a large open space behind this wall. The party searched and Selia’s keen half-elven eyes found a hidden door in the wall.   They pried it open revealing a short hallway that led to another room. In there, the five rats awaited, behind a larger and fearsome looking dire rat that size of a dog. The party attacked the rats and eventually defeated them. But in the process, Selia, Sinjin, Auren, Titta, and Pyzar were all wounded. Selia and Auren were revived from their injuries by Ladigo’s magic amulet. Sinjin was also healed in this manor, as he appeared he would soon collapse from a combination of vicious rat bites and the strain of carrying a fallen Selia from the battlefield. As the battle continued, Selia was wounded yet again, this time to the point of near collapse.   As they finished off the rats they saw that this chamber opened at the far end into another corridor that led to an even larger room. In this area, they could see large figures moving in the intermittent light cast by their torch and lantern. With her half-elven vision, Selia recognized them as giant centipedes, each of them as large as the dire rat.   Haymin’s Heroes threw in some rat carcasses to distract the centipedes and retreated, blocking the secret entrance and the hole at the bottom with a board supported by the heavy shelving unit. They spoke to Mrs. Torden about the hidden door, but she responded that she knew nothing about it. After a brief conversation, the party learned that the house originally belonged to her father-in-law, who as her late husband described, never seemed to work, but always had money.   Mrs. Torden decided to spend the night at her daughter’s home while Haymin’s Heroes went back to the inn to tend to their wounds, promising to come back the next day to finish cleaning out the vermin in her cellar and seal up the entrance. They walked Mrs. Torden to Wynvar’s home and left her there with her daughter while they returned to the Home Away From Home. They convinced Jenivar to let them go back the next day without alerting the city watch, telling her that it was nothing they could not handle. Jenivar seemed to be upset at the thought of putting the youths in this situation herself and made them agree to retreat and call the watch if there was anything truly dangerous to be found beyond Mrs. Torden’s cellar.   The next day, Haymin’s Heroes returned to the elderly lady’s home and ventured passed the secret door. Though the party had discussed a plan of action, Titta charged into the room to face off against the monstrous centipedes. There were four of them, each as large as the dire rat. This room they occupied also opened into another corridor into yet one more chamber. From this one, a centipede almost the size of a man emerged and attacked them as well. As the battle began, Auren ran past Sinjin, grabbing the sack containing the fallen rat carcasses from the day before and tossing it into the room with the centipedes. Two of them went straight from the rats that flung out of the back or the juicy remains of the dire rat. As a result, the party defeated the centipedes much easier than they had the rats, suffering only minor injuries. However, Titta seemed to be suffering from the effects of a centipede toxin as she lost some of her equilibrium after being bitten.   After the battle, when the party confronted her about her disregard of the plan, she admitted that she had not been listening, though if she had, she would have told them how bad she though the plan was.   In the next chamber, they found no obvious exit. However, a puddle of water formed at the rear of the chamber along the far wall. Plus, there was a foul smell in the area. They searched this wall and eventually Selia found another hidden door. When they opened it, they saw that it led into the sewer system beneath Karavale.
The Heart of Embril
Pyzar Zim
Auren Sylynn
Titta Morco
Mogi Delvin
Ladigo Farthon
Selia Roselyn Maxwell
Sinjin Fairchild
Report Date
18 Jul 2020


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