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Lady Luck, Lady of Fortune, the Smiling Lady

Goddess of Luck

Tymora, goddess of fortune, is said to be a bright-faced lady who favors those who gamble with the utmost skill and daring, and she watches over all who take risks to better their fortunes. Her followers truly believe that fortune favors the bold, and she is prayed to for a little bit of good luck before undertaking an endeavor.   Throughout Emergo - Continent, Freya is the Common Deity worshipped for "good luck", though she is most often associated with growth, fertility, and love. In comparison, Tymora's portfolio is more specific to the daring risk-takers who seek out luck where they can find it.

Tymora's Influence

Tymora is thought to be a cheerful and curious goddess. She does not have any malice or vengeance in her, remaining jovial even in the darkest times, preferring mischief and ironic justice to open violence. In battle she sings, whoops, and emits beast-like calls with gusto.   Due to this, Tymora is known to be more adventurous and less serious than any of her fellow deities. Her detractors say it is easy to be cheerful when you control the outcome, and many blame her for the times she and her champions did not intervene to prevent tragedy.   When Tymora manifested as an avatar, her voice could carry for 100 miles. Any games of chance played in her vicinity would be won by ridiculously improbable odds. Beings of her faith would become resistant to magical effects while in her presence. Tymora would shape-change to a white-winged dove as she arrived or left.

Worshipping Tymora

Commonly consisting of adventurers and others who relied on a mixture of luck and skill to achieve their goals, the Tymoran clergy encouraged folk to pursue their dreams. They were also duty-bound to aid the daring by providing healing and even some minor magic items.   Small shrines to Tymora are fairly common, as the needs of adventurers and more risk-prone professionals dictate. These places of worship often differed significantly from each other in powers, manners, and titles, with little overall authority or hierarchy. Shrines of Luck, such as the one led by Sister Darele in Phandever offer potions, scrolls, and trinkets as rewards to those who served Tymora's tenets well.   More worldly nobles and merchants often seek the blessing of Tymora, while their less-educated brethen appeal to Freya for good fortune. For those who know of her worship, no significant venture is undertaken without the prayers of the Luckbringers. Offerings made to the Goddess of Luck are often accompanied by the prayer "A copper to the Lady returns tenfold in gold." When misfortune strikes, many blame Beshaba, while some say "Sometimes the Lady smiles, sometimes she laughs out loud."   Tymora is more widely worshipped across the Sea of Sands. The autonomous social groups who live in this area are nominally citizens of Sirastir but have rejected their rule and the spread of their restrictive religious practices. Given the harsh living conditions in the desert, frequent appeals to Lady Luck are made for basic travel, trade, farming, and safety. Tymora's chosen form as a white-winged dove calls to mind the cactus-nesting birds native to this range.

Ideals of the Faith

Tymora doesn’t demand adherence to any philosophy, and while the reasons to follow her seem apparent, many find different layers to her divinity.  
  • Balance - Too much power in any one place is a threat to us all. Helping the deserving restores the balance.
  • Knowledge - I boldly seek out dangerous secrets so that I can know the nature of reality and understand how to pull the strings of luck.
  • Power - The best thing about knowing a secret is getting to use it to someone's advantage.
  • Ambition - To proceed in life entirely at random is to court Beshaba. Adherents of Tymora should be in pursuit of larger goals, or in support of those who are.
  • Mystery - The cosmos is more beautiful if its greatest truths remain unknown.

Myths of Tymora

One story tells of another Goddess of Luck, Tyche, who was sundered in two: Tymora and Beshaba. Other stories of her origin say that Tymora came from the Feywild, and reached divinity by the sheer number of mortals who would fervently appeal to her for good luck.   The Fateful Coin - Old tales tell that luck plays a crucial role in each person's life. When a new baby is born, Tymora flips a coin to determine the child's luck for the rest of their life. For some rare beings, the coin lands on edge. These luckless few can forge their own fates, having more freedom over their destinies than the powers themselves.  

Temples / Seats of Worship

The Lady's House - During the ___ War, Tymora's avatar manifested in the city of Arabel at a temple devoted to her worship. She protected the city during the crisis. After this event, a racetrack was built at the foot of the hill upon which the temple stands, with the belief that continuous contests of skill and chance bring good fortune to the tradesmen of Arabel.   Towers of Good Fortune - A large and extremely wealthy temple in Suzail, the towers are home to a dozen or more Luckbringers at a time, with several hundred laymen in assistance. The self-appointed Arch-Cleric Mzentul led this temple for several years, followed by Luckmaster Olane Davanac. An elaborate wishing well in the courtyard was a frequent destination for pilgrims.   Shrine of Luck - Not much of an impressive edifice, the Shrine of Luck in Phandever is well-located in the center of town. Since re-opening Phandever has found itself to be a hub for miners and adventurers alike, leading to the clear necessity for Tymora's presence.  

Tymora's Champions

Alignment: Neutral   Typical Classes: Bard, Druid, Ranger, Sorcerer   Divine Domain: Trickery   Typical Backgrounds: Charlatan, Sailor, Criminal, Outlander   Tymora's elite followers are called Luckbringers. They count themselves lucky to be devoted to the goddess of good fortune.Their vestments are of varying styles, but always include blue and white with Tymora’s symbol on a chain.  

Earning & Losing Tymora's Favor

  • Pursuing your dreams, especially a life of adventure (+)
  • Discovering new or forgotten places (+)
  • Playing tricks and pranks on the followers of Bane and Takhisis (++)
  • Revealing a secret which will lead to death or despair (-)
  • Fearing an option because the outcome is uncertain (-)
  • Selfishly refusing to help someone (--)
  • Divine Domains

    Luck / Trickery


    Stone of Tymora was an artifact sacred to the goddess of good fortune. When the stone was in close proximity to the creature of its own choosing, it would bound itself to their soul and allow them to perform feats of extraordinary luck.

    Divine Symbols & Sigils

    • Coin bearing a smiling woman's face
    • White-Winged Dove

    Tenets of Faith

    These are the tenets that worshippers of Tymora are given to live by:
    • Live with boldness, for to dare is to live and those who overcome their fears are able to live without regret.
    • Have faith in the fate that you pursue and trust your own luck, for to master one’s own path shows the very confidence that the Smiling Lady favors.
    • Devote to finding a unique goal to strive towards, for to wander aimlessly invites misfortune.
    • Embrace the uncertainty of fate, for great fulfillment awaits those who challenge the unknown and move forward on their chosen paths.
    • Do not hesitate to raise the stakes as fate guides you, for with greater risks can come greater rewards, and those who fall can rise again so long as they persevere.


    The Meeting of Fates

    The faithful of Tymora hold their most popular festival, the Meeting of Fates, on Midsummer. Drinking, gambling, and romantic trysts set the backdrop for the common celebrations, while the clergy take this opportunity to meet with friends, allies, and relatives to discuss future plans and possibly even missions of great import.  


    The holiest occasion for the faithful of Tymora is called “Starfall”. This date is believed by the followers of Tymora as the date of Tyche’s splitting, which resulted in the immediate births of Tymora and Beshaba. Many sects celebrate this date at different times of the year, but scholars of Tymoranism have found the sects follow a probabilistic spread that places the median date somewhere in the 10th month of the year. Clergy of Lady Luck usually receive formal acclaim for advancement in their hierarchy on this day, receiving tokens and vestments appropriate for their new stations.  


    In some northern regions with long winters, the first double-full moon of Winter is a popular festival among the common folk and nobles alike to view the night sky even into the latest hours of evening. An observer of this custom will look for stars that were lucky for their ancestors or associated with their day of birth. Being able to glimpse one’s own star even on a cloudy night on this date is considered a sign of blessing from Tymora, a portent of good luck in times ahead. Vendors of star maps set up stalls in the streets of cities for this holiday, offering to divine stars of luck (based on place and date of birth) for those willing to contribute a modest sum for such a service.

    Divine Goals & Aspirations

    Tymora is the goddess of good fortune, skill, victory, and adventurers. She is a kind, graceful, facetious gambler who prefers to fight her battles through mischief and clever twists of fate rather than brute clashes of force. The Smiling Lady’s sociable nature and avoidance of direct conflicts have earned her far more allies than enemies, and there are few foes who would brazenly escalate hostilities against Tymora, for even the most carefully laid plans can be unraveled by a sudden stroke of luck. Those who are openly hostile towards Tymora tend to be the most dangerous or the most foolish.




    Towards Freya




    Towards Tymora


    Holy Symbol of Tymora
    Divine Classification
    Lesser Deity
    Chaotic Neutral

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