Amatarii Lightshadow

Steward Amatarii Lightshadow

Amatarii Lightshadow was born in the Feywild, one of the few elves alive who still remembers those glades the way they were. Although the old kingdom of the forest elves is gone, he continues to act as an advisor for the monarchs of his people. As a young elf, he enjoyed the hunts through the Feywild, occasionally participating in the Wild Hunt, when the elves would draw in the most powerful warriors from the Material Plane they could find to challenge them in the most dangerous of games. Through these hunts Amatarii took away a different lesson, having been briefly captured by a squad of his human opponents. In observing them he realized the true danger and skill of the short-lived beings.   When the Feywild collapsed, Amatarii was one of the few who escaped into the forests of Emicara, and while he did consider leaving with those who would become high elves, he instead chose to remain to partake in the building of a new civilization. As a practitioner of magic, he contributed heavily to the creation of the Tenashi Kingdom, raising the trees and establishing the defensive maze to keep people out. He still had a penchant for wandering and spent many years patrolling the borders of the kingdom. He was known as a maverick however, and had to be repeatedly disciplined for saving humans from the traps created in the forest, and sending them on their way. He claimed that these were attempts to gather information on the world beyond, and it was true, most of the information the forest elves gleaned came from his reports and so he was allowed to continue.   What was nearly the final straw however was when he brought a human woman named Evadine Mona into the Tenashi Kingdom, and the two started a brief romance. He nearly faced execution for this offense, but his eloquent tongue and her defense of the world beyond stayed the hand of the queen. If anything, it began the queen's push to look for a new way to involve the kingdom in the affairs of the world beyond. The relationship was doomed from the start and Evadine disappeared back into her world while Amatarii was promoted to becoming the new Steward of the Tenashi, acting as an advisor for the Queen on affairs of diplomacy. He continues to serve in this role, watching over the thick tension between Valtkos Wingo and Alsona.
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Steward of the Tenashi Kingdom
Year of Birth
228 BF 1269 Years old
Aligned Organization


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