Amrane Chafik

Mukarrib Amrane Chafik

Amrane Chafik is the mukarrib of the island and town of Tayarat. Raised to enjoy the finer things of life, Amrane grew up knowing no end of luxury, as his father lavished him with gifts and education as he grew up on the floating barges of his home town. He was exempted from service upon the corsair ships, and he chose to ignore most of his studies in favor of simply enjoying life. This behavior continued into his teenage years, and he had his first child from a concubine in the harem at the age of fifteen. Following this incident, he continued to spend ample time with women of all races, and enjoying what they had to offer.    His father saw no flaw in his firstborn, heir, and only son, and Amrane was given full leave to pursue any and all hedonistic pleasures. Thankfully, Tayarat was enjoying an era of peace, beyond the usual corsair raids, and Amrane avoided any chance of responsibility for nearly three decades of his life. Unfortunately, when he was only twenty-nine his father was slain during a raid upon a Jakonian merchant vessel that had ventured too close to Tayarati waters. The death of his father thrust Amrane into the position of mukarrib long before he was ready to assume the role.    Since taking charge in 1033, Amrane's primary focus has been upon the expansion of his harem and the purchase of exotic foods and spices for his kitchens. Affairs of the town and corsairs have been left to advisers and delegates that had been appointed by his father. He has been content to allow them to continue as they had, turning a blind eye to increased extortion and other corruption in the ranks of these leaders. Amrane has been heavily criticized by his peers from other lands, as neglecting the responsibility he holds towards his people.
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Mukarrib of Tayarat
Date of Birth
Bloodset 29, 1004
Year of Birth
1004 AF 37 Years old
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations


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