Austin Breed

Grand Admiral Austin Breed

Austin Breed grew up to a family of soldiers, dedicated towards serving within the Imperial Army's regiments, and loyal to the Emperor to a fault. Having been raised with the middle class accommodations that such career warriors receive, he witnessed the constant favoritism towards the upper classes present in the Army's officer corps. At the age of sixteen, he chose to forego service in the army and instead enlisted in the Navy. In the navy, he found a brotherhood and a chance to raise himself upon his own merits rather than having to play a political game for advancement. Testing his aptitude, he was sent to the Clewiston Naval Academy and educated by the finest teachers available to the navy.   Breed showed himself to be a capable tactician and highly literate, easily grasping complicated concepts and outmaneuvering his opponents in drills. He was the youngest ever executive officer upon a Jakonian warship, only at the age of twenty. The death of his captain in a battle against Bahami corsairs led to him taking up the mantle of command and defeating four corsair ships while already injured in combat himself. Following this victory, he was offered a command, but he refused, instead deciding to join the marine regiments, rather than commanding his own ship.   His peers thought that such a move was career suicide, taking away with typical command, and instead being given a subordinate position within the marines. Although he would not lead his own regiment for four more years, Austin demonstrated himself as a skilled administrator and logistician, taking up secretarial positions that more glory-minded friends turned down. When he did receive his own command, he displayed that he had not forgotten his skill in battle, and despite the distractions of a growing family in the Imperial City and a recent marriage, he proved his skill leading marines in multiple battles along the coast against raiders and pirates. Combined with these victories and his exceptional grasp of the strategic perspectives of Jakonia, made him an obvious choice for Grand Admiral, skipping nearly a dozen older candidates, as he had won favor with the Emperor himself.   Having become the youngest Grand Admiral in history, Austin has spent the past five years dedicated towards new research and development. He has sponsored multiple initiatives to keep the navy independent from the army, and has even advocated for reforms in the army to make them more meritorious in achievements and ranking. This has earned him more than his fair share of enemies, but a growing friendship with the Emperor means that the Grand Admiral has become a powerful force in Jakonian politics.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Grand Admiral of the Jakonian Imperial Navy
Date of Birth
Newdawn 3, 996
Year of Birth
996 AF 45 Years old
Aligned Organization


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