Jakonian Imperial Navy

The Jakonian navy is the second oldest sea based military service in Emicara. Founded nearly as an afterthought to the regiments and the empire, it was deemed mandatory to protect the coastline during the Enclave War. Prior to that point, all sea based defense was haphazard and organized by regional defenders. Most nautical trade had not been restored since the collapse of the Nameless Empire, and the threat of the Enclave's naval raiders proved too much threat to even the Fruitlands. A dedicated fleet was constructed for the first time, and the Imperial Navy was given its baptism of fire in that conflict. Since then, the Jakonians have leaned heavily upon the navy, protecting the Circle Sea's shipping throughout its storied history.


The Jakonian Navy, moreso than the army, is based primarily upon merit. Those who demonstrate skill are more likely to advance through the ranks than those of the upper class or with connections, and the navy has created a firm, self-sufficient identity away from the nobility of Jakonia. The leadership of the navy falls to the Grand Admiral, although the official head of the fleet is the Emperor himself. The Grand Admiral is still one of the most powerful individuals in Jakonia, provided with fulldiscretion for spending the ample funds and resources supplied to the navy. Underneath the Grand Admiral there are a variety of other admiral based ranks, granted both to heads of administrative departments and active fleets. Connected in turn to the navy itself is the Jakonian Marine Regiments, who provide boarding parties and landing parties for land operations.

Public Agenda

The Jakonian Navy is officially neutral in political affairs, but persistently calls for the reinforcement of Imperial power both within the Jakonian peninsula and abroad. The navy is very hawkish when it comes to foreign affairs, and believes that the reconsolidation of power into the Imperial throne is required to protect the nation from threats from abroad and within. They also call for international cooperation in dealing with Bahami raids, and various pirate threats around the Circle Sea.


The Imperial Jakonian Navy holds multiple bases throughout several different cities, including a preeminent naval academy at Clewiston. Every major coastal town or city has some naval presence, usually in the form of a patrol vessel or even a garrisoned warship. The navy consists of over one hundred and fifty dedicated warships and numerous support vessels and smaller escorts. These forces are supported in land operations by eleven marine regiments, that viciously defend their independence from the army. They also have a handful of research bases, including a cooperative wing in the Imperial University, developing refined gunpowder and cannon technology.
Founding Date
249 AF
Military, Navy
Training Level
Parent Organization
Notable Members


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