Axel Valdovinos

Professor Axel Valdovinos

Axel Valdovino was born to a working class family in Augustin, and spent much of his youth scraping together the money needed to gain an education, constantly finding the appeal of books and learning compared to laboring on the docks. He was given a cursory education by a local teacher, but for more in depth tutoring he frequently sought out students and faculty at the Colegio de Bandaras. These lessons helped form a baseline knowledge in mundane and arcane matters of the world, and one of his tutors saw a great deal of promise in him. With a steady recommendation from teachers and students alike, he was granted a scholarship to the college and became a rapt pupil of history.   During his time at the college, he studied under a number of professors who specialized in the Nameless Empire and archeological discoveries, and he became a participant in numerous digs and excavations throughout Jakonia and even as far away as the Sypi Confederacy. In these digs, he eventually fell in love with a fellow student and the two were wed in the Cathedral at Augustin. These ceremonies and a new marital lifestyle led to a few decades in the classroom, but he used his generous wages to continue research and collection of old artifacts from around Emicara. These particularly were in the line of old weapons and devices created by the Nameless Empire in their pursuits of world domination.    These studies of the old world led to Axel becoming the preeminent scholar for a time in the martial works of the Nameless Empire, as he developed a book and archive for the college. His archival work continued after his retirement, frequently coming in to help manage the stores of old and out of date weapons. His influence continued to keep these weapons away from other organizations seeking them out, protecting them from the influences of the Cult of the Damned and the Fellowship of the Palm. Eventually he passed of old age, leaving behind one child and three grandchildren.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Professor of Ancient Weapons at the Colegio de Bandaras
Date of Birth
Riftwane 16, 908
908 AF 1002 AF 94 years old
Circumstances of Death
Died of natural causes (old age)
Aligned Organization


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