Colegio de Bandaras

The Colegio de Bandaras (or College of Flags), is the oldest center of learning in all of Emicara. Established long before the fall of the Nameless Empire, it was able to continue operations during the collapse of the old regime and the anarchy that followed. The college played a major role in the preservation of Augustin during the conflict, and the preserved knowledge within helped to keep the city intact and fed during the chaos. It was even maintained after Jakonian occupation and during the height of the Empire. The college is completely independent of any political control or domination, and is entirely self-financing, making it an unruly center for the city's leadership, but too influential and famous to directly dissolve or control.   The college's primary courses involve teaching future educators, archeologists, and archivists. They have expanded over the past two hundred years into teaching of divination magic and courses related to the study of transmutation and the creation of magical items. These courses have proven invaluable to aspiring wizards who seek to turn their magical talents into profit, or those who seek out information about the world before the collapse.


The head of the Colegio de Bandaras is often referred to as the Presidente, who is the primary organizer and leader of the college. Each president selects eight members of the faculty who form a Cabinet to advise the Presidente on matters relating to the college and Augustinian politics. When a Presidente dies, the Cabinet he chose selects from other members of the faculty the new head of the office. The decisions made by the Presidente have to be approved by the Cabinet, and from them the rest of the faculty fall in line, and obey the orders from above. The wealth generated by the College is usually redistributed downwards from the highest office, to the professors of the faculty. Typically speaking, new faculty members are selected by the Cabinet, from promising students or those who have applied for positions left vacant by deaths or retirements.

Public Agenda

The Colegio's primary mission is to improve literacy and education in Augustin, and to allow those within to pursue better lives through enrichment. They also seek to pursue and collect magical and nonmagical artifacts from across Emicara, believing that such devices should be studied rather than locked away or destroyed. This has led to a strong rivalry and often clashes with groups such as the Monastic Brotherhood, Fellowship of the Palm, and the Cult of the Damned. These groups remain vehemently opposed to the growing collection of the Colegio, which has begun thriving since Augustin gained independence from the Jakonian Empire.


The Colegio's main campus is in the heart of the Free City of Augustin. They possess one of the oldest buildings in the city besides the Castle of Saint Mark itself, and it is almost as heavily fortified. Their library contains a multitude of ancient books, both mundane and magical, and while not the largest such library in Emicara, it does possess more books of history and journals of archaeology than any other. Similarly, the Museum of Bandaras offers sights and samples of a variety of magical items and artifacts, under heavy guard and surveillance. While anyone can make an appointment to view these objects and tour the Museum, it is often done under intense scrutiny, unless the person involved is a member of the Colegio.

Learning in Pursuit of a Life Well-Lived

Founding Date
111 BF
Educational, School/Academy
Alternative Names
College of Flags


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