Cathair Tuachair

Cathair Tuachair was a well known Wicka shaman and spiritual leader within the Sypi Confederacy. One of the most respected residents of the Great Temple, he was consulted by leaders of all other faiths and religions within the Confederacy, regardless of pantheon disputes. His voice and wisdom was acknowledged by many others, but before the Sypi Civil War, he was very much outspoken in attempting to mediate peace between the old pantheons and the Church of the One Sun. His efforts to prevent violence were mostly unheeded, and he was left ignored in his old age. During the Sacking of the Great Temple at the start of the Civil War, Tuachair was killed by Sihka tribal warriors while attempting to peacefully stop the rampaging violence.
936 AF 1020 AF 84 years old
Circumstances of Death
Killed during the Sack of the Great Temple
Aligned Organization


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