Helena Michaels

Presidente Helena Michaels

Helena Michaels was born in the Imperial City to a family of upper class merchants and was blessed with a powerful intellect. Realizing by the age of seven that she was unlikely to be allowed to pursue any independent endeavors in Jakonian society, she dressed as a boy and took to the sea, joining a merchant crew and setting out upon the waves at the age of eight. She was bright and very helpful, and the captain of her first ship aided her in learning about the arts of command and officer ship. She was still well aware that despite his kindness, he would eventually give her up to her family, so she disembarked in Augustin, where women had a bit more freedom.   At ten years old, Helena found herself on a voyage to one of the most forsaken of the Bahami Islands with an archaeological expedition. Far to the east, beyond the corsairs and the control of the Federation, she spent two years waiting on the ship and assisting the scholars with their excavations. Her inherent curiosity and ability to grasp complex historical concepts was not unnoticed by those involved with the excavation. They were more astonished to discover her mental talents than they were the meager archaeological finds they discovered in the jungles of the island. When they returned to Augustin they nearly forced her to attend the Colegio de Bandaras to learn from the best.    Helena completed her education at the age of nineteen, having spent time in nearly every department of education within the college. Her talents put even the best and brightest of the faculty to shame, and her analysis of discovered goods and artifacts helped shed new lights upon the Nameless Empire and the other nations that had preceded it. She was granted the position of Professor at the age of twenty-three and served in three different Cabinets over the next twenty years. She was invaluable to the organization, and married another professor that respected her desire to pursue her own career. Despite having a single child, she remained incredibly focused on unraveling the mysteries of the past.   Helena was probably the most surprised of the entire faculty to have been selected for the position of Presidente. Although some suggested that she was selected because she could be easily controlled by the extant Cabinet, she immediately turned her considerable efforts to her new position. She switched from the study of the past to the study of the present, learning diplomacy and spycraft nearly overnight. Her efforts have continued to maintain the college's independence from the Free City, and she frequently consults with the Lord Mayor and other political powerhouses in the region.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Presidente of the Colegio de Bandaras
Date of Birth
Sunscorch 26, 996
Year of Birth
996 AF 45 Years old
Current Residence
Aligned Organization


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