Cydrus Greenforest

Eorl Cydrus Greenforest

Cydrus Greenforest is one of the few surviving elves to be said to still retain memories of the lost Feywild. As most of the oldest have long since passed after arriving in Emicara, Cydrus was born in the Feywild and lived there for the earliest century of his life, basking in the ease and joy of the lost elven homeland. He refuses to speak of the collapse that occurred and the chaos that came with it, being the only member of his family to survive and escape into Emicara. In the years that followed, he became a trusted confidant of the reigning king, and in the anger and separation that emerged between what would become the high elves and the forest elves, he was drafted as a spy and assassin.    For nearly two hundred years, Cydrus infiltrated human courts and eliminated those who threatened to give up elven magic to the humans and other races. He traveled across the world, pursuing those who had wronged the elves of the Tenashi forest, and became feared as the shadowy assassin he was, a rogue of legendary talent. Eventually, over the centuries his talents were turned towards humans who threatened the status quo, and whenever an Alsonan or Shin politician or leader suggested the exploitation of the Dytikaxylo, they would often meet their end at the blade of Cydrus.    Towards the sixth century AF, a routine assassination attempt on a member of the Alsonan royal family went horribly wrong, as Cydrus was detected by a human wizard of some talent. The wizard defeated and nearly slew Cydrus, who was believed to have been killed. He was rescued by a half-elf family in Pegrama, that helped him return to Tenashi borders. He would spend a year recovering from his injuries, and even then, he never truly recovered. His expertise in single combat was highly sought after, which led to him enlisting with the Olyvia.    Cydrus' skills never truly left him, and he demonstrated his skills in one on one combat time and again against the enemies of the kingdom. His training and expertise, and his knowledge of where many of the skeletons in the closets of Tenashi's nobility were located, meant that he was destined for command. In 910 AF, he was appointed the new Eorl of the Olyvia, and he was able to settle down at last with a family in the capital.   The Wingo War was an event that shook his confidence, and led to a loss of power and influence for Cydrus. His talents, while considerable, were never well suited for commanding an army in a true war of nations. He proved highly incompetent in leading the elves in field battles, and his age meant that he was ill suited for taking the battlefield himself, preferring to command from Tenashi, and issuing commands to units in the field via magic. This centralized command proved completely ineffective, and many other elves blame him for the hundreds of deaths and the battlefield reversals that occurred later in the war. Similarly, he proved difficult to work with for the dwarves, who ultimately refused to work with him at all when it came to battle planning, allowing the dwarves to manage a stalemate in the conflict by essentially just issuing commands to elven units themselves in the heat of battle. Many in Tenashi now question how much value Cydrus actually has to the kingdom.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Eorl of the Tenashi Olyvia
Date of Birth
Hardfrost 14, 2 BF
Year of Birth
2 BF 1043 Years old
Current Residence
Aligned Organization


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