Galfirkuag Battlehammer

Patriarch Galfirkuag Battlehammer

Galfirkuag Battlehammer was a trained smith with the house into which he was born. During his childhood, he spent hours at the forge, assisting the master smiths with their products and crafts. As an adult, however, he proved to be a slightly below mediocre blacksmith. His items were rarely sought out and the other smiths typically gave him other duties that kept him away from the forge, which he ended up being quite bitter about. Despite his bitterness, he found an aptitude for keeping track of the accounts of the clan and soon found ways to make the management side of business more and more efficient. Battlehammer quickly became one of the most profitable smithing clans within the halls of Kiralyno.    Although the other members of the clan were resentful at Galfirkuag's position despite his lack of abilities within the forge, the recognition of the wealth he obtained for them was undeniable. After nearly one hundred years of management, Galfirkuag turned the clan into the most lucrative of all of the blacksmiths in the stronghold. In the beginning of the eleventh century, his talents became noticed by the young queen of Kiralyno. His methods of streamlining and pushing towards efficiency helped her decide to place the Battlehammer Clan in charge of administration of the trading town of Atkeles. This august position has made the Battlehammer Clan the second most influential in the kingdom, as Galfirkuag's word is now law for thousands of dwarves.
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Administrator of Atkeles
Patriarch of the Battlehammer Clan
Date of Birth
Sunscorch 28, 803
Year of Birth
803 AF 238 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Ruled Locations


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