Clan Battlehammer

Clan Battlehammer is the second most influential clan within the organization of Valtkos Kiralyno. They are originally best known as smiths and artisans, but have since taken on a sterling reputation as administrators and bureaucrats. While some within the tribe resent the new status, it is impossible to deny the wealth it has brought the Clan, as they manage affairs in the trading town of Atkeles.


Clan Battlehammer is a traditional dwarven clan and is organized in the ways of old. The clan gathers once a year for a joyous celebration and family reunion, in which the reports of the clan's successes are relayed to the entire group, and hearty debates begin about the future. The leader is selected by acclaim at these gatherings, and anyone can make a challenge or be nominated to be the new patriarch or matriarch of the clan. The word of the patriarch is absolute, the final say in affairs throughout the year, but at the gatherings the replacement of the patriarch is likely if they have behaved as too much of a tyrant or monster during their tenure so far.

Public Agenda

Clan Battlehammer is best known these days as the managers and operators of the dwarven trading town of Atkeles. Publicly they are the face of negotiations between the dwarves and the varied people seeking out dwarven regiments for use as mercenaries in foreign conflicts. They advocate for the dwarven people to modernize and adapt, and have recently begun arguing for more surface settlements to open up further doors for trading.


Clan Battlehammer is unique in that they have all of the resources of the town of Atkeles at their disposal. This includes the ample maitenance budget granted by the queen of Kiralyno, the proceeds from mercenary hiring, and tariffs and docking fees collected from traders who arrive at the port. Should Atkeles come under threat, Clan Battlehammer can also call upon all of the mercenary clans to serve in battle, and occasionally some of these dwarves for hire will be called upon to enforce law and stability upon the town itself. Clan Battlehammer also possesses a large number of smiths and artisans who still fill the rolls originally held by the clan before recent reforms. These workers produce fine equipment that offers the Battlehammers ever more wealth and material goods to support their position.


Clan Battlehammer's history goes back to the very foundation of Kiralyno itself. They are believed to be some of the original settlers who established the citadel and the realms underneath the surface, acting as workers and smiths for the first days of the kingdom. In time Clan Battlehammer gained a reputation for sturdy and reliable work, providing tools and equipment to the dwarves digging deeper into the earth. Eventually, Clan Battlehammer was excluded from having to be involved in mining duties, and were instead rededicated to the arts of blacksmithing and carpentry.   Through the centuries, the Battlehammers were firm supporters of tradition, and when Kiralyno entered into their arrangement with the Jakonian Empire, the Battlehammers profited greatly, with their equipment being highly sought by the humans. When the Empire began to fell, the Battlehammers were the greatest advocates for remaining loyal to the imperial humans rather than abandoning them to the fates. Unfortunately for the clan, other ideas triumphed, and the dwarven nation avoided assisting the empire directly. After gaining independence, the Battlehammers returned to what they did best, but the revolutionary leadership of Galfirkuag had different ideas. Under his guidance, the clan transformed from artisans to bureaucrats, causing substantial unrest at first. Several of the more determined artisans were exiled or went missing during this time, choosing lives elsewhere than under Galfirkuag's rule. The rest have enjoyed the immense prestige and wealth that the new leader has brought the clan.

Order Through Iron

Geopolitical, Clan
Family Leader
Parent Organization
Related Ethnicities


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