Guye Harven

Guye Harven

Guye Harven was one of Losana's preeminent archaeologists. He traveled throughout Emicara studying old ruins, particularly those belonging to the Nameless Empire. His digs provided new understanding and unearthed new relics and artifacts of the world before the Nameless Empire's collapse. He was primarily financed by the Church of the One Sun, which sought to prove the immorality and decadence of the old world, and to reinforce the right to rule of the Jakonian Emperors and the Church within society. Unfortunately, according to Guye Harven, many of the artifacts and discoveries found instead indicated that the Nameless Empire destroyed itself through the reckless actions of its rulers. This did not fit with the narrative of his sponsors, and Harven found his scholarly works banned and he was arrested and eventually died in a Jakonian work camp in the Fruitlands.
980 AF 1027 AF 47 years old
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