Javier Gallego

Lord Javier Gallego

Javier Gallego began his life as a member of the Jakonian nobility in the city of Nasah. He was educated at the Imperial University, and spent a considerable amount of time learning about the stars and the seas. He was eventually drafted into the Jakonian Imperial Navy to serve as an officer and navigator during a series of wars with the Bahami Emirates. He achieved some notoriety as a skilled navigator and became most famous for when all of the other officers were killed in a battle with three Bahami corsairs, and he rallied his crew and won the day regardless. After his time in the navy, he retired back home to Nasah, living off of the treasures he had obtained from the Bahamis and taking over the management of his parents' estate. He occasionally takes on apprentices and eager officers in training to learn about his vast knowledge of the art of navigation.
Current Location
Year of Birth
968 AF 73 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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