Jerrick Sweetshrub

Counsel Jerrick Sweetshrub

Jerrick Sweetshrub is a forest gnome who is the current Counsel of the University of Wofslar, and has been during nearly the entire duration of the institute's existence. He was born into a reclusive gnomish enclave deep within the woods of the Sypi Confederacy, almost two hundred years ago. He grew up like other forest gnomes, remaining as far away from the humans as possible. His family consisted of strict traditionalists, refusing to engage with the larger world, with the sole exception of occasionally misdirecting human explorers away from the burrows. Jerrick proved different, in that he took a great interest in the world around his people.   Unusually, Jerrick took to wandering the woods and recording his thoughts and observations upon the Confederate wilderness' flora and fauna. He began writing books of his discoveries and the known creatures within. These books proved mostly for his own benefit and were seen as a dangerous eccentricity by his people. His works were thus kept within his chambers inside the clan's burrows. It would not be until he was nearly forty years of age that he decided to enter into human society, visiting the town of Grenadd and several smaller hamlets throughout the Confederacy. He learned of the humans, orcs, goblins, and their ways, and began writing about them instead. When this was discovered, Jerrick's works were burned by the clan and he was exiled from his home burrow.   Jerrick continued traveling throughout the Sypi Confederacy, and began renewing his work from memory, but was greatly disheartened by his treatment at the hands of his own people. He found friendship with a human wizard from the Gibber Tribe, and they began to work together. The two of them eventually created a proposal for the High Chief of the Confederacy in Wofslar, calling for the creation of a library and place of higher learning to protect the knowledge of the people. The High Chief agreed, and Jerrick and his ally began recruiting support and scholars from all of the Confederate tribes. Their success was apparent and in 955 AF, the University of Wofslar was founded.    Jerrick's close friend was appointed the Counsel of the University of Wofslar, while Jerrick was content to teach classes and students about the wildlife of the world around them. He provided ample training and knowledge for most of the bright young minds of the Confederacy. When his human friend died in 978, he was tapped and appointed to become the newest Counsel of the University. Since gaining this position, Jerrick has overseen the University's best interests, allying the best minds of the land with the Bienombe tribe during the Sypi Civil War. He also has since constantly advocating for freedom of knowledge and learning for the people of the Confederacy.
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Counsel of the University of Wofslar
Date of Birth
Sunpeak 4, 890
Year of Birth
890 AF 151 Years old
Aligned Organization


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