Lalaeth Farmight

Huntswoman Lalaeth Farmight

Lalaeth Farmight was one of the first generation of elves to be born following the collapse of the Feywild, in the Material Plane itself. She was born to a family that had been involved in the long term observation of the Nameless Empire in the area of the Feywild Gate. Therefore, she was raised in extensive studies and close contact of the humans and captured subjects. Even as a child and a maturing adult she actively pursued the study of humans, in a variety of experiments with captured subjects she was allowed access to. Eventually she became a skilled warrior of her own, learning in live combat with captives and monsters from the surrounding lands.   As the Tenashi avoided war or contact with the humans, there was rarely true battles for Lalaeth to fight in, but she began to gain notoriety for her skill first in eliminating human hunters and scouting parties with extreme prejudice, eventually being reassigned to Ripli. At Ripli, she became the leader of the campaign against the occasional giant incursions into the territories of the Tenashi elves. Although the giants were mostly unaware of the elves' presence, they were prone to pursue escaping slaves across the Sypi River into the forests. Lalaeth would eliminate both the slaves and the giants which followed them, preserving the secret of the kingdom. She served in this post for several hundred years, eventually becoming the first elf to tally over one hundred kills upon giants.   Her fame in battle earned her a transfer back to Lalaeth's original home: Citrivale. She was reassigned and positioned as the Huntswoman of the Keep, maintaining its defenses and once more intercepting human hunting parties. This time, however, tensions appeared to be on the rise in Alsona, and many in the Tenashi leadership were concerned about a new war or invasion of their forests. Instead, a large band of dwarves, elves, and humans escaped from the Wingo Mine prison camp and ended up stumbling into the defenses of Citrivale. Lalaeth made the call to provision instead of exterminate, and a tentative alliance was forged between dwarves and elves. Lalaeth herself led the elven contingent sent to liberate the Wingo dwarves.   In the Wingo War that followed, Lalaeth was given a variety of field commands, but the majority of her efforts were fighting against Alsonan raiding parties into the forest. She was wounded twice in the fighting that followed, and her long-time lover was slain by humans in battle. She turned herself intensively towards the elimination of humans, to the point where the dwarves requested that she be reassigned from the front lines after a massacre of an entire human village. Lalaeth was reprimanded and returned to Citrivale. She has brooded there since the end of the war, and is an outspoken proponent of cutting ties with both the dwarves and Alsona, and returning to isolation.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Huntswoman of the Keep of Citrivale
Date of Birth
Sunpeak 12, 283
Year of Birth
283 AF 758 Years old
Current Residence
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations


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