Tenashi Olyvia

The Tenashi Olyvia is the armed forces of the forest elf Tenashi Kingdom. Charged with protecting the borders of the kingdom and keeping the peace within, they serve both as guardsmen and an elite fighting force. Given decades of training and expertise, even the humblest of warriors in the Olyvia is typically considered to be superior to ten or more of the best human soldiers or fighters. They often received combat experience in the fighting against monsters in the northern Dytikaxylo, particularly in the region surrounding the Feywild Gate. The experience of the Wingo War was a tremendous shock to the Olyvia, showing the elves that training can only go so far, especially when pitted against soldiers who have spent their entire careers in war and combat.


The head of the Tenashi military is appointed directly by the Queen and is best known as the Eorl. The Eorl has absolute command over the military and oversees everything that takes place, bearing full responsibility for its actions and failures. The eorl appoints subordinate leaders, or huntsmen, to undertake any specific tasks or missions that need accomplishing. Huntsmen can oversee simple patrols to entire military fronts as need be. A huntsman can designate his own subordinate leaders, depending on the necessity of the action. However, in combat elves are trained as skilled individual combatants, rather than in formation fighting, and tactical leaders are rarely considered necessary.

Public Agenda

The Olyvia remains focused primarily upon the security of the borders, and the Wingo War has set the security of those borders into question. The rise of the Root Wardens to protect against the giants of the west and the ever present threat of a human or dwarf assault on the forests means that the focus of the Olyvia must be to the south. They man the local fortresses and protect the region from invasion. The northern borders have been left ignored, and it has been argued by the eorls that they must be neglected, as the handful of monsters that still survive in the area are not a threat to Tenashi or its people.


The fortress of Citrivale and the town of Eva are the primary outposts of the Tenashi Olyvia outside of the capital. These positions are meant for the defense of the nation against invasion, and offer some of the most fortified positions that the elves have to offer. To serve in the military are only around two thousand elves, who have trained often for centuries to become guards and warriors. These fearsome combatants were thinned somewhat during the Wingo War, but those who survived have added to their centuries of training a few more years of combat experience in actual battle. The Tenashi are now considered to have one of the most elite armed forces in Emicara.
Founding Date
104 AF
Military, Armed Forces
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Parent Organization
Controlled Territories
Related Ethnicities


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